简介:NC DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE LIMITED (曾用名:譽榮科技有限公司 VAST FAME TECHNOLOGY LIMITED) ,成立于2011年,位于香港特别行政区,是一家以从事未明确归类的商业服务为主的企业。更多 评分- 负责人 MEI YING CHU 注册资本 - 成立日期 2011-02-08
NC Design&Architecture在这套香港公寓中采用了一系列天然材料,按照日本美学四大概念之一侘寂的理念设计的。最初,业主要求NC Design&Architecture创建一个功能强大看起来复古且充满设计感住宅空间。NC Design & Architecture has applied an array of naturally flawed
Restaurants & Bars,Interior Design • Hong Kong (SAR) Architects:NC Design & Architecture Area of this architecture projectArea:150m² Completion year of this architecture projectYear:2014 Professionals:Crownwell Contracting Company Limited,NC Design & Architecture Ltd (NCDA),a107,Entendre Studios ...
这一点就在We Work进入亚洲市场的过程中表现得尤为明显。作为香港的第一站,他们在铜锣湾的设计选择了和香港本土设计工作室NC Design Architecture(NCDA)一起带来了位于铜锣湾Tower 535的联合办公空间设计。多处设计都港风十足。 受到香港城市标志性的电车、渡轮以及火车启发,办公空间使用硬木地板,选择复古的中式风格壁纸,...
New Hong Kong bar Artifact是由NC Design + Architecture设计的超现实的地下体验。设计师引用地下水道,科幻电影等元素。 我们很高兴为Hongkong Land的客户设计了几家餐饮店,包括文华东方标志性餐厅的PDT (Please Don’t Tell) 、MakMak餐厅、费恩博士的杜松子酒店和查特屋的燃料浓缩咖啡店。Hongkong Land的设计需求是...
#DINZ室内#NC Design&Architecture丨Imperfect Residence.这套157平米的公寓位于中国香港。室内采用了一系列天然材料,将侘寂为设计主旨,接受事物的不完美,展现自然的完整性。Nelson Chow表示:“住宅激发了人们...
Nathaniel McMahonArchdaily
Our architecture design studio in Asheville is not only where we work, it’s where we live, learn, and grow. Learn about our leadership and staff here.
Design Resource Group is a team of qualified landscape architects, civil engineers and traffic engineers located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Stubbs Road by NC Design & Architecture: “The Private Residence on Stubbs Road is an open and tranquil 2,700 square foot space defined by a 16m (52.5ft) long sinuous wood wall, strong axial views luminous ceiling oculi, and special hidden built-in wall features accommodating the specific da...