Fall-like weather got you in a fall hiking mood? Perhaps a full day on the trail? Or, better yet, a full day ontwotrails? You have that option this Saturday when the N.C. Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources’ Hometown Strong initiative leads two hikes totaling 9 miles on two St...
Australia and Africa. A snapshot of Learning to make Paper by Wire and Fabric. Center for Forestry, Paper and Chem. Tech, Alabama Southern Community College, AL, USA. Centre for Pulp and Paper, Dept. of Chem Engg, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. School of Environmental and For...
Accessibility information at N.C. Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources Sites First Name Last Name Address Address2 City State ZIP Code Email How soon is your trip? Yes, subscribe me to North Carolina eNews. Please allow 5 to 6 weeks for delivery in the U.S. All internation...
To some extent it's a cultural, institutional and educational problem. But, just as was the case in legal metrology, the courts or the legislators want a yes/no, conformity assessment type approach--which is anathema to the metrologist who lives in a GUM world of uncertainty, probability,...