TCP端口扫描 # nc -v -z -w2 1-100 #扫描192.168.0.3 的端口 范围是 1-100192.168.0.3:inverse host lookup failed:Unknownhost(UNKNOWN)[]80(http)open(UNKNOWN)[]23(telnet)open(UNKNOWN)[]22(ssh)open 扫描UDP端口 # nc -v -u -z -w2 1...
Specifies the size of the IL image of this module, as it pertains to symbol server lookup. For Desktop .NET Framework, this will specify the IL image size which will differ from the raw image size in the case of ngen. This is because the IL only image...
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Fields", @@ -991,7 +995,7 @@ "renameLayout": "Layout Rename", "deleteTable": "Delete Table", "addField": "Add new field to this table", "setDisplay": "Set as Display value", "setDisplay": "Set as display value", "addRow": "Add new re... srv=(“”); //获取增加时的当前VO; // AggregatedValueObject this.getBillUI().getVOFromUI();// DispatchsBillVO VO = VOS.getParentVO(); // VO.setRelatekey(relatekey);...
(which are transparently passed to contract as meta, along with request entity), and if it's missing in headers, it will lookup it in request, as usual. If your contract is executed via LGNS, it will lookup it directly in meta, and then in request. If your contract response hasCookie...
(Accsubjdoc) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(Accsubjdoc.class.getName());[] targetSubjVos = itf.queryAccsubjVOs(pk_glorgbook, null, false); AccperiodVO //查询会计期间 AccperiodVO[]accperiodVOs = (AccperiodVO[]) HYPubBO_Client.queryByCondition(AccperiodVO.class, ...
IUAPQueryBS iuap = (IUAPQueryBS)NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IUAPQueryBS.class.getName()); //根据那个字段查询有没有这条数据 Objectobjvo = iuap.retrieveByPK(ProMessageVO.class, ""); 4,保存按钮时提示,验证在MyEventHandler //方法重写 ...
(IUAPQueryBS)NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IUAPQueryBS.class.getName()); //根据那个字段查询有没有这条数据 Object objvo = iuap.retrieveByPK(ProMessageVO.class, ""); 4,保存按钮时提示,验证在 MyEventHandler //方法重写 import; protected void onBoSave() throws ...
().lookup(IDataDealItf.class.getName()); Nvl nvl(zt,’N’) = ‘Y’ //nvl(a,b)表示.如果a为空的话,那么赋值b给a O onBoSave 在onbosave()方法里面加入 UI.getBillCardPanel().dataNotNullValidate()”必填”项的字段 operatorid //前台查询 ClientEnvironment.getInstance().getUser().get...
Lookup Screenshot of the User Interface. Welcome to WolfTech's Lookup Tool. Here you will be able to search for employees by typing in their either the employee's UnityId or the employee's last name and then first name. Who can use this Tool? Onl...