{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void init() { IHelloNC helloNC = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IHelloNC.class); String msg = helloNC.sayHello(); add(new JLabel(msg)); } } 代码通过NC 的服务定位器找到远程服务的本地代理接口,通过此代理接口 可以像...
}privatevoidcheckTemplet(String billtype)throwsBusinessException {try{ IBillTemplateQry impl=(IBillTemplateQry) NCLocator.getInstance() .lookup(IBillTemplateQry.class); IUAPQueryBS bs=(IUAPQueryBS) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup( IUAPQueryBS.class);//默认HZ19的查询模板主键。String sql = "select ...
Cookiewhich represents an HTTP cookie. If your contract is executed via HTTP, and it has aCookiefield in request, it will lookup it in headers first (which are transparently passed to contract as meta, along with request entity), and if it's missing in headers, it will lookup it in req...
cidranger - Fast IP to CIDR lookup for Go. dhcp6 - Package dhcp6 implements a DHCPv6 server, as described in RFC 3315. dns - Go library for working with DNS. ether - Cross-platform Go package for sending and receiving ethernet frames. ethernet - Package ethernet implements marshaling and ...
Microsoft.ceres.contentengine.aliaslookup.dll Microsoft.ceres.contentengine.aliaslookup.dll 16.0.14931.20494 63,880 13 Haz 2022 12:46 Microsoft.ceres.contentengine.annotationprimitives.dll Microsoft.ceres.contentengine.annotationprimitives.dll 16....
How can I use the different matching techniques AWS Entity Resolution offers? What does rule-based record matching enable? How does AWS Entity Resolution use ML? What does the record matching workflow with data service providers enable? What other AWS services use AWS Entity Resolution? How do ...
text against a collection of known team names, abbreviations, and nicknames. This text matching functionality seems rather simplistic in the sample application, it can be extended to support a more sophisticated lookup approach using a database such as Elasticsearch and techniques such as ...
IUAPQueryBS query = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup( IUAPQueryBS.class); String sql = "select * from ic_saleout_h where nvl(dr,0)=0 and nvl(vdef20,'N')='Y'"; if (whereSql != null && !"".equals(whereSql)) { sql += " and " + whereSql; ...
}privatevoidcheckTemplet(String billtype)throwsBusinessException {try{ IBillTemplateQry impl=(IBillTemplateQry) NCLocator.getInstance() .lookup(IBillTemplateQry.class); IUAPQueryBS bs=(IUAPQueryBS) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup( IUAPQueryBS.class);//默认HZ19的查询模板主键。String sql = "select...
Microsoft.ceres.searchcore.query.marslookupcomponent.dll Microsoft.ceres.searchcore.query.marslookupcomponent.dll 15.0.4867.1000 243,968 18-Jul-2018 14:11 Microsoft.ceres.searchcore.repartitioncomponent.dll Microsoft.ceres.searchcore.repartitioncomponent...