We had a great first time kayaking experience with Gavin through the Kitty Hawk Maritime forest. Gavin was funny and had plenty of knowledge to share about the plant and animal species in the marsh. The tour was very relaxing and a great pace for first timers and kids. ...
Rough Green Snake Orchard Spider Mystery wildflowers Orchard Oriole Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia) Pitt County Arboretum 11/11/10 In a small period of time, five species of flower flies (Syrphidae family) showed up. Flower fly (Pseudodoros clavatus, subfamily Syrphinae) Drone Fly (Eris...
Having been an intern here this summer really puts into perspective of how wonderful this world is and how many things I never knew existed. There are still new fossils and species of live organisms yet to be discovered. I truly recommended doing things that are out of your comfort zone bec...
you will see some duplication with the marine fishes checklist. Developing this page is taking quite a bit of time, and will be updated daily as we get all of the links built. In the near future, the species pages will be updated with range maps and identification information. If you are...
Finlets follow second dorsal fin in some species. Pelvic fins are small, rudimentary, or absent (Kells and Carpenter 2011). Diplospinus multistriatus –Striped EscolarGempylus serpens –Snake MackerelLepidocybium flavobrunneum –EscolarNealotus tripes –Black Snake MackerelNesiarchus nasutus –Black ...
Species Plantarum: Exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas, Ad Genera Relatas, Cum Differentiis Specificis, Nominibus Trivialibus, Synonymis Selectis, Locis Natalibus, Secundum Systema Sex Save with Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Bonnie Plants Rosemary 2.32 qt. Add $...
AtSnakeroot Ecotours, we seek the genius of each species and trace the relationships that make the Appalachian forest. On our guided tours we invite you into astoundingly diverse habitats and reveal the mysteries of the Blue Ridge Mountains. ...