提升数据科学工作流效率的10个Jupyter Notebook高级特性 Jupyter Notebooks已成为数据科学家、机器学习工程师和Python开发人员的核心开发工具。其核心优势在于提供了一个集成式环境,支持代码执行、文本编辑和数据可视化的无缝整合。尽管大多数用… deeph...发表于deeph... 【问题解决】-如何用Jupyter notebook打开本地数...
clone nbviewer:git clone https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer clone this repo:git clone https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer.org-deploy Run helm upgradecd nbviewer.org-deploy; bash deploy.sh NOTE: The invoke tasks.py has not been updated ...
Python Jupyter is a web-based interactive computing environment that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It is a powerful tool for data analysis, scientific computing, and machine learning. Jupyter notebooks are organized in...
macosjupyterjupyter-notebooknbviewer UpdatedDec 15, 2023 HTML dpploy/chen-3170 Star40 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering (UMass Lowell, Spring 2024); Prof. Valmor F. de Almeida. latexbinderlinear-algebraplotlyjupyter-notebookteachingleast-squaresscipynbviewe...
我已经想出了一个解决办法。由于HTML结果文件托管在Dropbox上,因此this answer解释了如何从Dropbox共享...
jupyter notebook 用起来确实方便,特别是能保存结果、支持包括markdown在内的语法。而用github + nbviewer 将输出的结果,特别是图表直接分享出去(网页端访问),使得结果交付更加方便。 如下面这个主题模型,若放在ppt中,效果大打折扣 image.png 原本可交互的图表就直接成固定图片了,访问主题模型查看更好效果。
2、换链方式:显示本条友链是通过QQ或搜外友链平台交换的。如通过搜外友链平台,则可以取消链接或通过客服联系对方站长。 3、友链状态:检查对方网站是否正确添加我方链接,如果有包含有nofollow标签也会做相应提醒。 4、对方收录:显示对方网站收录情况,如果发现收录为0,可以点击到百度搜索结果二次查看。 5、首页位...
上一张 BitBucket NBviewer Button chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 BitBucket NBviewer Button chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 在BitBucket 中添加一个按钮以在 nbviewer 中查看 IPython/Jupyter 笔记本 提交IPython/Jupyter 笔记本很棒 - 但由于它们只是 JSON,因此查看提交差异通常没有帮助。此 Chrome 扩...
If you would like to propose an enhancement to nbviewer or file a bug report, please open an issue here, in the jupyter/nbviewer project. Quick Run If you have docker installed, you can pull and run the currently built version of the Docker container by $ docker pull jupyter/nbviewer $ ...