M. S. A Review of the Brazilian NBR15575 Norm: applying the simulation and simplified methods for evaluating a social house thermal performance. In: SYMPOSIUM ON SIMULATION FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN, 4., San Diego, 2013.Proceedings...San Diego, 2013. MAZZAFERRO, L. et al. Manual ...
DESEMPENHO LUMNICO SEGUNDO NBR 15575-1:2008, NBR 15575-1:2013, DANISH BUILDING REGULATIONS 2010 E EUROPEAN STANDARD prEN 15251Claudia Maria Basso PoliLizia de Moraes de Zorzi
Aims to produce a consultation document, the undergraduate and graduate students on luminous performance, based on the ABNT NBR 15575:2008, emphasizing the reality brasiliense through examples of buildings that have some type of control element for natural lighting. Ramble on possible impacts of ...