475 ABNT NBR 14653-7-2009 2009-02-26 Portuguese Assets appraisal Part 7: Assets that embody historic and artistic heritage 476 ABNT NBR 11790-2009 2009-02-26 Portuguese Test on indoor ou outdoor post insulator of ceramic material of glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V...
301 ABNT NBR 14653-4-2002 2002-12-30 Portuguese Assets appraisal Part 4: Business 302 ABNT NBR 14255-2002 2002-12-30 Portuguese Paper and board - Determination of air permeance - Bendtsen method 303 ABNT NBR NM 47-2002 2002-12-30 Spanish Concrete - Determination of air content of freshly...
475 ABNT NBR 14653-7-2009 2009-02-26 Portuguese Assets appraisal Part 7: Assets that embody historic and artistic heritage 476 ABNT NBR 11790-2009 2009-02-26 Portuguese Test on indoor ou outdoor post insulator of ceramic material of glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V...
475 ABNT NBR 14653-7-2009 2009-02-26 Portuguese Assets appraisal Part 7: Assets that embody historic and artistic heritage 476 ABNT NBR 11790-2009 2009-02-26 Portuguese Test on indoor ou outdoor post insulator of ceramic material of glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V...