#估值建模# NBO,non binding offer, 非约束性报价,也是海外并购常见的方式,第一轮报价即为非约束性报价,卖方顾问向十几家甚至是几十家兴趣方发出投标邀请,买方报价的依据就是卖方提供的信息备忘录和财务模型。顾名思义,既然是非约束性的,也就不用承担任何法律责任,报价越高,自然也就有更大的机会进入第二轮的...
二、“nbo”的第二种表达也许是“Non - Binding Offer”(非约束性报价) 在商业谈判或者贸易往来中,这种非约束性报价很常见。就好比你去市场买东西,商家先给你一个大概的价格,这个价格并不是最终确定的,双方还可以根据各种情况进行协商。比如说一家公司想要采购一批原材料,供应商可能会先给出一个nbo,这个报价包含...
non binding offer,非约束性报价。
non binding offer,非约束性报价。
NBONon-Profit Brand Orientation NBONeighborhood Box Office, Inc. NBONetworked Business Objects NBONational Business Online(New Zealand directory) NBONational Brand Owner NBONairobi, Kenya - Jomo Kenyatta International(Airport Code) NBONon-Binding Offer ...
Note that this result has a profound impact on how we understand such CS bonding that was previously thought to be “non-covalent interaction”. As we know, the term halogen bond is introduced for describing the interaction involving halogens as acceptors of electron density. It is often ...