图3. a)NbN@NC和Nc的XRD图谱和b)Raman光谱,c)NbN@NC的N2吸附/脱附等温线和孔径分布(插图),NbN@NC的Nb 3d和N 1s的XPS谱,以及f)NbN@NC的TGA曲线。 图4.A)硫磺//NbN@Nc在0.1 mV s−1下的CV曲线(电压范围为1.7-2.8V).b)三...
图3. a)NbN@NC和Nc的XRD图谱和b)Raman光谱,c)NbN@NC的N2吸附/脱附等温线和孔径分布(插图),NbN@NC的Nb 3d和N 1s的XPS谱,以及f)NbN@NC的TGA曲线。 图4.A)硫磺//NbN@Nc在0.1 mV s−1下的CV曲线(电压范围为1.7-2.8V).b)三种Li-S电池在0.1-0.5C下的循环性能.c)硫//NbN@Nc在0.5C的性能. d...
沉积溶解实验验证了CNEs电催化剂对硫物种转化的双向促进作用。结合In-situ Raman,Ex-situ XPS证实了硫氧化还原的可逆性。 循环伏安曲线(CV)结果表明,NbN-NbC修饰的分离器表现出增强的峰强度和显著的阴极/阳极峰正/负位移,表明在LiPS转换过程中电流交换高效快速,进一步证实了NbN-NbC具有更高的催化活性。 3. DFT计算...
10. J. Toussaint, S. Dochow, I. Latka, A. Lukic, T. May, H.-G. Meyer, K. Il’in, M. Siegel, J. Popp, Proof of concept of fiber dispersed Raman spectroscopy using superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Opt. Expr. 23, 5078-5090 (2015) 11. A. Verevkin, A. Pearlman...
%nproc=4 # CCSD(T)/Def2-QZVPP freq(noraman) iop(5/13=1)Title Card Required 0 2 Mn ...
A Raman-scattering study on the interface structure of nanolayered TiAIN/TiN and TiN/NbN multilayer thin films grown by reactive dc magnetron sputtering - ... Nanolayered multilayer coatings of TiAlN/TiN and TiN/NbN were deposited on Si (100)substrates at various modulation wavelengths (i.e., ...
3D Profiler and Raman spectroscopy measurements revealed that the lubricant tribo-film AgNbO3 detected on the surface of the wear tracks could lead to the friction coefficient curve stay constant and decrease the average friction coefficients. The decrease of wear rate was mainly attributed to the ...
图3. a)NbN@NC和Nc的XRD图谱和b)Raman光谱,c)NbN@NC的N2吸附/脱附等温线和孔径分布(插图),NbN@NC的Nb 3d和N 1s的XPS谱,以及f)NbN@NC的TGA曲线。 图4.A)硫磺//NbN@Nc在0.1 mV s−1下的CV曲线(电压范围为1.7-2.8V).b)三种Li-S电池在0.1-0.5C下的循环性能.c)硫//NbN@Nc在0.5C的性能. d...
图3. a)NbN@NC和Nc的XRD图谱和b)Raman光谱,c)NbN@NC的N2吸附/脱附等温线和孔径分布(插图),NbN@NC的Nb 3d和N 1s的XPS谱,以及f)NbN@NC的TGA曲线。 图4.A)硫磺//NbN@Nc在0.1 mV s−1下的CV曲线(电压范围为1.7-2.8V).b)三种Li-S电池在0.1-0.5C下的循环性能.c)硫//NbN@Nc在0.5C的性能. d...
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Sandwich Immunoassays for Multiplexed Detection of Zika and Dengue Viral Biomarkers. Zika and dengue are mosquito-borne diseases that present similar nonspecific symptoms but possess dramatically different outcomes. The first line of defens... M Sánchez-Purrà,M ...