如先前所说,印度政府通过RBI对NBFC的监管不断升级,RBI审查从形式审查逐渐向实质审查过渡、发展,除了台面上所要求的材料之外,RBI还保留了要求申请人补充材料的权力。所以除前面说到的材料清单之外,企业还需要从RBI公布的通函里找出一些隐性的条件、要求。 1、《Master Circular-Miscellaneous Instructions to all Non-Ban...
如先前所说,印度政府通过RBI对NBFC的监管不断升级,RBI审查从形式审查逐渐向实质审查过渡、发展,除了台面上所要求的材料之外,RBI还保留了要求申请人补充材料的权力。所以除前面说到的材料清单之外,企业还需要从RBI公布的通函里找出一些隐性的条件、要求。 1、《Master Circular-Miscellaneous Instructions to all Non-Ban...
The exposure norms under RBI for an NBFC to a single entity shall not be more than 20% of its available capital base. Later, in case the board of the same NBFC approves, then 5% more exposure can be allowed. What are the exposure norms for NBFCs in the RBI master circular? The Re...
The RBI's Master Direction guidelines, dated June. 2017 outlined the importance of Informed Technology and Cyber Security for NBFCs in RBI circular and guidelines. The information security framework discussed key principles such as confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of information assets for the...
Further, through the circular dated September 17, 2013 the RBI emphasised that it is important to ensure that the borrowers are fully aware of associated benefits, with emphasis on indiscriminately passing on such benefits without altering the Rate of Interest (RoI). To address this, the RBI ...
1. INTRODUCTION 2. CLASSIFICATION OF FRAUDS 3. REPORTING OF FRAUDS TO RBI2.2 Cases of `negligence and cash shortages' and `irregularities in foreign exchange transactions' referred to in items (d) and (f) above are to be reported as fraud if the intenti...