Presently, the RBI has issued norms to be followed by the NBFCs-ND having an asset value of less than INR 500 crores to classify their assets after an overdue time period of 180 days. Rest other NBFCs are entitled to classify such assets within 90 days. What are the new categories of...
Since NBFCs lack those luxuries, they must look for alternative sources of funding that offer better rates of return than the deposits that banks accept. Assessing the mismatch between assets and liabilities and minimising the mismatch in the same assets and liabilities are the key elements while ...
1. The NBFC should be registered with RBI and specifically authorized by the RBI to accept deposits.2. NBFCs have to prominently display the Certificate of Registration (CoR) issued by the Reserve Bank on its site.3. The maximum interest rate that an NBFC can pay to a depositor should ...
The Delhi HChad issueda similar John Doe order in support of Razorpay in July this year. The payment aggregator had moved the court complaining of social media accounts which misrepresented themselves as Razorpay recruiters, offering part-time jobs promising extra income in exchange for deposits and...