Home Loan Do you want to buy a house and you have money to buy a house If you do not have money to buy a house then you can take a loan from any bank or NBFC? Nowadays banks are giving you the least rate of interest loan to buy a house. Now if you are buying a municipal au...
interest (RoI) of the product. Furthermore, the actual discount is not provided by the bank/NBFC, but by the merchant as a part of the merchant’s customer acquisition strategy. As a regulated entity, the lender is expected to ensure full and transparent disclosure of these benefits to ...
2. Registration As per the Reserve Bank of India Directions, 2016, Enterslice helps NBFCs register with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). To achieve this, the customer must prepare the required paperwork, submit the application to the RBI, and communicate with the RBI on their behalf. ...
Bank Digital Lending Company NBFC & HFC ARC Micro-Finance Company Read what our customers have to say “One of our key transformation agendas is to build and engage a diverse set of customer segments and gain efficiency in collections with sustainable solutions. The objective is to deliver a se...