Joey Crawf.. 但不幸的是,裁判今天盯上了詹姆斯,他很快连吃两次犯规,慢镜头显示詹姆斯第2次并没有犯规动作,他伸出双手无比沮丧的向裁判辩解,遭无视,气愤的勒布朗转身走向替补席,口中不断的喷着垃圾话,好在是背对着裁
著名裁判 Joey Crawford 的經典神吹罰 [doge] 當時大概就是自己沒有刹住車,把Damon Jones 給撞了,然後吹了 Chauncey Billups 一個犯規 (圖片來自網路)
NBA referee Joey Crawford was reinstated by Commissioner David Stern on Monday, five months after he was suspended indefinitely for improper on-court conduct. San Antonio Spurs star Tim Duncan contended that Crawford challenged him to a fight during a game against the Dallas Mavericks on April 15....
NBA Power Rankings: There Will Never Be Another Joey Crawford (Posted 2016-01-04 14:58:11)Bontemps, Tim
[–]SpursBabyMakingMachine 25 分/分 6 hours agoSomewhere you can hear Joey Crawford blow a whistle and yell "Tech"在电视机前的乔伊克劳福德怒吹一哨“技术犯规!” 本楼含有高级字体10楼2014-04-25 23:12 收起回复 YW1993920 MVP 12 [–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzkiwafrhest 72 分/分 7 hours agoI ...
"Referee operations consists of myself, Joey Crawford, E.F. Rush, Mark Wunderlich, Bennett Salvatore and Bernie Fryer. There are six of us that make up referee operations as the quote-unquote "experts." I use that term without any sense of hubris, but we have dedicated our live...
Mendy Rudolph, Yogi Strom, Jake O'Donnell, Billy Oakes, Ed. T. Rush, Joey Crawford, Steve Javie, Tom Washington, Mark Wunderlich, Duke Callahan, Ed Malloy, Mark Lindsay, Aaron Smith, Tim Donaghy -- all NBA referees current, retired, dead or (in the last case) disgraced, all born and...
T. Rush, Joey Crawford, Steve Javie, Tom Washington, Mark Wunderlich, Duke Callahan, Ed Malloy, Mark Lindsay, Aaron Smith, Tim Donaghy -- all NBA referees current, retired, dead or (in the last case) disgraced, all born and/or raised in the environs of Philadelphia. If there is a ...
Joe Crawford (Kentucky): Was very strong and athletic, made things happen, and repeatedly owned whoever was defending him. He ball-hogged a bit, but in a good way. The kind of way that shows he's got the ability to be a leader. would draft him if we had a second ...
Joey Crawford is reffing the Bulls/Cavs game tonight. Lebron has a career 25-3 record in playoffs with him as ref and 41-50 without#Stern — whitesoxdave (@barstoolWSD)May 12, 2015 Some will say this conspiracy theory was disproved several times by rational people with actual easily resea...