msno.matrix(nba_only_salary, labels = True) 从图中可以看出没有缺失值,但考虑到有部分球员在一个赛季会效力多支球队,在后续分析球员数据和薪水模型时,需要将同一个球队的薪水累加。这里建立nba_player_salary,为后续工作做准备。 dup_salary_count=nba_only_salary['Player'].value_counts()dup_salary_player...
Player,Tm,2017-18,2018-19 Stephen Curry,GSW,34682550.0,37457154.0 LeBron James,CLE,33285709.0,35607968.0 Kevin Durant,GSW,25000000.0,26250000.0 Kevin Love,CLE,22642350.0,24119025.0 George Hill,CLE,20000000.0,19000000.0 Klay Thompson,GSW,17826150.0,18988725.0 Draymond Green,GSW,16400000.0,17469565.0 Tristan Tho...
salaries <- salaries %>% filter(season_start >= 2000) %>% select(player_id, name, salary, year = season_start, team)Next, let’s check that the number of teams represented in the dataset each year is correct:# count no. of teams by year salaries %>% group_by(year) %>% summariz...
Our findings suggest valuable avenues for future research, including leveraging feature importance for model refinement, expanding the dataset size, incorporating more relevant features, and investigating outliers for deeper insights into the multifaceted dynamics of NBA player salary classification. 展开 ...
Kaggle Kernel NBA Player Influence, Salary and Performance Kaggle Kernel Team Valuation Performance Data Legend Exploring Team Valuation Notebook This notebook has the following data legend: Exploring Team Valuation Dataset created TEAM: Name of the NBA Team ...
including a dummy for whether a player is in the starting lineup of a game; \(\delta _i\) is a player fixed effect that allows us to control for ability, productivity, and any other individual traits that may play a role in the analysis (e.g., age, salary level); \(\eta _{tg...
(2) ability to hit top X% outcome and be a transcendent player (I believe that everyone, including this board, still underrates outlier outcomes in EV-- i'd take a top 5 player 1/10th as often as the 50th best player every time, because of how the salary cap works), (3) elite ...
National basketball association player salary prediction using supervised machine learning method International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Springer (2021), pp. 189-196, 10.1007/978-3-030-85577-2_22 Google Scholar 31 F. Yang, J. Zhang The ranking prediction of nba playoffs based ...
findall(player_regex, roster_source) player_info[0:4] [('Ky Bowman', '"uid":"s:40~l:46~a:4065635","guid":"d0ef63e951bb5f842b7357521697dc62","id":"4065635","height":"6\' 1\\"","weight":"187 lbs","age":22,"position":"PG","jersey":"12","salary":"$350,189","...
(2) ability to hit top X% outcome and be a transcendent player (I believe that everyone, including this board, still underrates outlier outcomes in EV-- i'd take a top 5 player 1/10th as often as the 50th best player every time, because of how the salary cap works), (3) elite ...