拉希德·华莱士(英文名Rasheed Wallace 于1974年9月17日出生 )家乡美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职大前锋,绰号“怒吼天尊”。大学时期就读于北卡罗来纳州(大一赛季)
拉希德华莱士 拉希德-华莱士 Rasheed Wallace 所在球队:波士顿凯尔特人 球衣号码:30(以前在活塞是36号)1974-9-17 年 龄 35岁 出 生 地 宾夕法尼亚州费城 毕业学校 费城西蒙格拉茨高中 Simon Gratz 北卡罗来纳州立大学 North Carolina 身 高 2.11米(6英尺11英寸) 体 重 104公斤(230磅)...
Rasheed Wallace's fiery on-court demeanor and versatile skill set made him a formidable presence in the NBA throughout the 2000s. As both a post-up threat and stretch four, Wallace's inside-out game created matchup problems for opponents and contributed to the Detroit Pistons'...
拉里伯德在季后赛对阵乔丹的记录是6胜0负(无皮蓬的情况下) Westbrook was the first player to average a triple double for an entire season since The Big O, Oscar Robertson, in the 1961-62 season. What doesn't often get mentioned is that Oscar actually finished 3rd in MVP voting that season. ...
Rasheed Wallace Age: 50 268 votes Hailing from Philadelphia, Rasheed Wallace is a unique blend of size, skill, and passion in the NBA landscape. With his ability to stretch the floor as a sharp-shooting big man, along with his fiery competitiveness and interior defense, Wallace was a game-...
拉希德华莱士 拉希德-华莱士 Rasheed Wallace 所在球队:波士顿凯尔特人 球衣号码:30(以前在活塞是36号)1974-9-17 年 龄 35岁 出 生 地 宾夕法尼亚州费城 毕业学校 费城西蒙格拉茨高中 Simon Gratz 北卡罗来纳州立大学 North Carolina 身 高 2.11米(6英尺11英寸) 体 重 104公斤(230磅)...
总评:才华横溢的大前锋,多面手,攻防平衡,团队意识出众,战术素养高,典型的学院派打法,重视胜利大于重视个人数据,优秀的team player。跑跳能力不错,身高臂展在大前锋位置上有一定优势,相对而言力量一般,吨位较小。绰号来源 怒吼天尊,Sheed,Roscoe 绰号“怒吼天尊”,这个外号可不是白来的,无论是...
stat-nba球员-拉希德-华莱士,Rasheed Wallace,拉希德-华莱士数据,拉希德-华莱士资料,拉希德-华莱士荣誉,拉希德-华莱士记录,拉希德-华莱士奖项拉希德-华莱士生涯之最,拉希德-华莱士热区数据,使用率,效率值
Rasheed Wallace Is Ready for the 1995 Draft 00:39 Chris Webber video calls with Tim Hardaway at the 1993 NBA Draft 07:16 1992 NBA Draft: Number One Pick NBA LEGENDS: THE 1970s Legends profile: John Havlicek Legends profile: George Gervin ...
An emotional and fiery competitor, Rasheed Wallace brought intensity, passion, and skill to the power forward position. With his inside-out scoring ability and relentless defense, Wallace was a key figure on multiple playoff teams throughout his career. Known for his signature phrase ...