(文班亚马,nba.com)如果你想要看到一个与马刺关系不大的,纯粹针对劳资协议的鞭辟入里的解读,笔者推荐这篇由耶和华·戈麦斯(Jesus Gomez)操刀的文章(https://www.poundingtherock.com/2023/4/1/23666376/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-nbas-new-collective-bargaining-agreement)。本文的剩余篇幅将会...
The NBA and the National Basketball Referees Association have entered into a new collective bargaining agreement. The seven-year agreement, which was announced Thursday, starts with the 2022-23 season and stretches through 2028-29, according to a news release. The previous agre...
今年的NBA交易季前,除了球队之间的战力考量外,一个新版的劳资协议(Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA)的实施也将掀起一场巨大的风暴。这个新版协议将于7月1日正式生效,引发了人们对于海量交易的期待。不同于过去的补强战略,球队们此次更需要应对CBA制度的变化。 意想不到的新版CBA协议 尽管新版CBA协议的出台在意料...
NEW YORK –The National Basketball Association and the National Basketball Players Association announced today that a new Collective Bargaining Agreement has been officially signed. The seven-year agreement will take effect on July 1, 2017, and run through the 2023-24 season. Related Posts NBA ...
The NBA and National Basketball Players Association have reached agreement on a new seven-year collective bargaining agreement, promising labor peace through the rest of the decade, sources told ESPN early Saturday morning. The tentative deal, which starts with the 2023-24 season, was announced by...
Representatives from the NBA and the players' association have completed a meeting to discuss a newcollective bargainingagreement. NBA球星代表和球员工会成员已经开了一次会议,讨论新的劳资谈判协议。 3. 常规赛前两周取消,造成赛季严重缩水。如果情况发展愈演愈烈,可能造成整个2011-2012赛季报废。赛季“缩水”和...
NBA周五早晨的一份声明指出其将开始冻结其所有签约运动员。 The lockout willcontinueuntil a newcollectivebargainingagreement is reached with the National Basketball PlayersAssociation. 这份冻结会持续到篮球联赛委员会和运动员们达成新的薪资条件为止。 "Theexpiringcollective bargaining agreement created a broken syst...
SPORTS: The New NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement: The Changing Role of Agents in Professional BasketballBy Bappa Mukherji
and are trying to figure out creative ways to build contenders under the new collective bargaining agreement, a world in which it will be harder to poach other teams' stars in free agency. 他们也想在新的劳资协议框架里想办法提高自家球队的竞争力,毕竟现在要想等球星们变成自由球员再下手可难多了...
It might not sound exciting, but the modified luxury tax rules in the new collective bargaining agreement between the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association will ensure labor peace in the league through the remainder of this decade. After the two sides pushed back t...