W (wins)胜场数 FF (Flagrant fouls) 恶意犯规 PFPG(Personal fouls per game)场均个人犯规 PPG(Points per game )场均得分 TECHF (Technical fouls )技术犯规 TOPG(Turnovers per game) 场均失误 技术统计术语其是还有很多很多,且很多网站或球队有自己的统计方式和方法,上文属于比较常见、通用的用法,例如下...
Free NBA basketball player stats and splits in simple, easy to read tables. This page tracks technical fouls statistics.
NBA犯规几次开始罚球NBA犯规规则大全,技术犯规(TechnicalFouls)是指所有(不包括与对方队员接触)的队员犯规。当场上球员得到两次技术犯规后就会被罚离场。比赛中场上队员不得漠视裁判员的劝告或运用不正当的行为。当有队员犯规后,裁判会做出一个手掌与另一个手掌交叉成T形,并举过头顶的动作来示意。 比赛的正当行为需要...
QUESTION: What did Joe Mazzulla do that warranted the technical foul? BROTHERS: He was out of the coach’s box and on the floor. QUESTION: So, it wasn’t anything he said? BROTHERS: No, it wasn’t. QUESTION: What did Jaylen Brown do to warrant the technical foul? BROTHER...
#NBA吐槽大会# Technical fouls boys睡姿遭曝光!乔丹-贝尔偷拍考辛斯、杜兰特和追梦格林睡姿。你觉得贝尔如此大胆的行为将会为自己赢得什么“奖励”? http://t.cn/EyL5ben
2、个人) Starting lineup 正选球员(球队的5个首发球员) Backup 后备球员 Bench (指全体)后备(替换,支援)球员 Bench player (指个人(后备(替换,支援)球员 MVP (most valuable player)最有价值球员 Sixth man 第六人 Rookie 新秀球员 Sophomore 第二年打NBA球员 Veteran 资深球员 Head Coach 总教练 Assistant ...
A dataset including all players from five consecutive National Basketball Association (NBA) seasons was analyzed to determine the relationship between displays of hostile aggression—as measured by the number of technical fouls a player received—andEM Zitek...
technical foul技术犯规 loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规 holding 拉手犯规 elbowing 肘击 ejection 驱逐出场 foul trouble 犯规次数 fouls to give 队制犯规数离5犯罚球的数字(剩余犯规次数) foul out 犯满离场,“毕业”(罚出) foul trouble 快要犯满离场,“领到一张准毕业证书” ...
Penalty situation: When a team has committed more than itsallotted4fourfouls6per quarter and thus each subsequentfoul5becomes a shooting foul. Also: Over the limit. 抢位:进攻队员站好固定位置给队友投球机会,防止防守队员防住投手。如果这个"挡拆"的球员不是站着不动的,并且与防守队员发生接触,这样就...
Mike Conley finishes his Memphis career with a team record 788 games played... and 0 technical fouls 康利的孟菲斯灰熊生涯尘埃落定,他为球队出场高达788次,是灰熊队史纪录……重点是他没有拿到哪怕一个技术犯规。 You'd think he'd accidentally smack someone in the face or something... ...