is the fourth instalment in the NBA Live series, released in North America on October 10th, 1997 for the PC with the original Playstation version being released on November 11th, the Sega Saturn version on November 30th, the Sega Genesis version on July 1st and the Super Nintendo version on...
NBA Live ’98is a 16-bits classic Game released for the Mega Drive video game console (named Sega Genesis in North America). Here you canPlay NBA Live ’98 Online(GENESIS version) forFreein your Browser with no download required from our HTML5, Java Script, FlashEmulator Onlineon any comp...
也就是在这段时间,VC“勾搭”上了SEGA,开始为他们的主机制作游戏。从最开始的SEGA Genesis,到后来的SEGA Saturn,他们的体育游戏在SEGA平台上获得了非常多玩家的好评。也正是因为VC的出色表现,SEGA以一笔不菲的金额收购了这家潜力无限的开发商,让他们成为了自己手下的得意干将。时间来到了1998年,被SEGA寄予厚...
It’s the final NBA Live game released for the Super Nintendo, SEGA Saturn, and SEGA Genesis. Notably, the SNES version was not released in PAL regions. The Three-Point Shootout made its debut in NBA Live 98. It would return in NBA Live 99 and NBA Live 2000, and was then absent un...
我想,当98年SEGA的工作人员第一次向VC的员工提起篮球游戏的设想时,他们一定没有考虑太多。DC这台新主机需要一个体育游戏来充门面,于是就有了这次的合作。谁又能想到未来它会取代《NBA Live》系列,成为篮球游戏领域唯一的霸主呢?只能说世事难料,有些看似强大的对手,也会因为傲慢和短视,迎来自己的灭亡。
我想,当98年SEGA的工作人员第一次向VC的员工提起篮球游戏的设想时,他们一定没有考虑太多。DC这台新主机需要一个体育游戏来充门面,于是就有了这次的合作。谁又能想到未来它会取代《NBA Live》系列,成为篮球游戏领域唯一的霸主呢?只能说世事难料,有些看似强大的对手,也会因为傲慢和短视,迎来自己的灭亡。
Pre-Owned NBA Live 2005 Options +2 optionsAvailable in additional 2 options $6.17current price $6.17Pre-Owned NBA Live 2005 Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Pre-Owned: Good Pre-Owned Nba Live 07 (Xbox) (Good) Add $6.88current price $6.88Pre-Owned Nba Li...
然而,这一年的篮球游戏似乎不比科比的数据好到哪去,95年发布的NBA LIVE 96作为当时少数的体育游戏,登陆了PC, PlayStation, SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Boy在内的绝大多数游戏平台。在这之前,体育游戏中的场地和队员都是2D画面技术,但NBA LIVE 96的PC和PS版首次使用了EA的“虚拟球场”技术,允许多个摄像机位来...
NBA Live 98 Home/Sega Genesis 21409 Plays Added on Feb 04, 2025 Controls Dpad keyboard | gamepad UP :UP | UP DOWN :DOWN | DOWN LEFT :LEFT | LEFT RIGHT :RIGHT | RIGHT Buttons keyboard | gamepad START :ENTER | START MODE :SHIFT | SELECT ...
NBA Live 96 Click stars to rate. Rated4.78/ 5 based on67Votes. NBA Live 96 Home/Sega Genesis 23285 Plays Added on Feb 18, 2025 Swtich to Flash Emulator (Save files not compatible) AUTONTSCPAL Controls Dpad keyboard | gamepad UP :UP | UP...