NBA Live 10 Console PS3 (Download Emulator) Publisher Electronic Arts Genre Sport Region WW Views 2,166 Downloads 2,070 Released October 6, 2009 File size 5.95 G5/5 (1 vote) Download now Elementals perform a magic ritual because of the eruption of a volcano. To win the battle ...
–Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) :Download Here Elevate your game to the highest level with NBA LIVE 10, the most complete NBA basketball experience. With enhanced user control that increases the realism of gameplay on both ends of the court, utilize the fundamentals of basketba...
NBALIVE系列全..《NBA LIVE 95》 NBA LIVE系列游戏始于1994年,当时发售的该系列的第一款游戏——NBA LIVE 95封面用的是1994年总决赛火箭队和尼克斯队比赛的画面,在这之后,NBA LIV
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游戏名称:NBA Live 10 英文名称:NBA Live 10 制作厂商:EA Canada 代理发行:EA Sports 游戏类型:...
简介:简单试玩,录屏软件不行爆音,LIVE10还是很好玩的,在音效;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 558、弹幕量 0、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 3、转发人数 0, 视频作者 伴音
NBA LIVE 19 除了画质有相当大的提升之外,动作方面也是进步很大,虽然说没有用寒酸引擎,但是一点都不重要,有时候引擎只是一个名称而以,就好像NBA LIVE 14 刚登录PS4的时候一样,说什么用新的ignite体育引擎,有什么屁用,根本就是骗人玩文字游戏的东西,明明就是PS3水平的东西,硬要扯一个新名词,所以主要还是游戏...
You can download the 2009 roster for NBA Live 10 PS3here! Note that it will work fine on both an original PlayStation 3, and the RPCS3 emulator. As a few people have asked about it, there’s no Xbox 360 version of the roster in the works, owing to the difficulty distributing saved...
PC 端运行PS3版 LIVE 08 10 elite11 2K7 ...出处: 经典NBA游戏论坛)PC 端运行PS3版 LIVE 08 10 elite11 2K7 ...出处: 经典NBA游戏论坛) 送TA礼物 1...
That could very well be a venue you could explore especially if you’re planning to make 10 live service games. Having Day 1 multi-player games on Extra could prove to be vital to it’s success, and ongoing DLC keeps the...