Basket:篮筐。也作ring,还有一种通俗的说法是hoop。Bench:替补队员。Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。Bo嘘声(n);发出嘘声(v)。球迷发泄不满的一种方法。Bounce pass:击地传球。Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作。Brickv)球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来。许多公牛...
One-Two Punch: The Heat has in James and Wade, perhaps, two of the top five players in the league. James capturing his third MVP award in the last four years makes it pretty clear that he is considered by most to be the best player in the game. Former 2006 Finals MVP, Wade, recap...
1) Oklahoma City Thunder over 5) Los Angeles Lakers (4-2) 2) Denver Nuggets over 3) Memphis Grizzlies (4-2) NBA Playoff Predictions: Conference Finals Eastern Conference Finals 2) Boston Celtics over 4) Milwaukee Bucks (4-2) Western Conference Finals 1) Oklahoma City Thunder over 3) Den...
Eastern Conference FinalsIndiana Pacers vs. Boston CelticsListen on the App Both teams’ journey to the finals has been anything but easy; the Celtics defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers in five games while the New York Knicks took Indiana all the way to game seven. In this series, the Celtics’...
EASTERN CONFERENCE FINALS (2) Miami Heat vs. (4) Boston Celtics The Celtics handled the Heat rather easily during the regular season going 3-1. The Heat won in the second game of the season while the Celtics took the latter three, but with one of those was a meaningless contest at the...
The Boston Celtics have easily made their way to this point, and the same could be said for the Indiana Pacers to some extent. Let's preview these conference finals and who will make it out of the East.
Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western Conference),每个联盟都有自己的logo。 Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是Adam Silver。 Court:球场;赛场。home court主场。 Crossover:交叉运球过人。是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。 Cut:切入。
After a few questionable games throughout the first half of the season, the C's remain in the No. 3 spot in the NBA league standings (and No. 2 in the Eastern Conference) and haven't lost any ground. With their depth and their ability to have contributions to come from numerous playe...
About logos 1998 NBA Eastern Conference Finals Pacers vs. Bulls League Champion:Chicago Bulls Finals MVP:Michael Jordan(33.5 / 4.0 / 2.3) 1998 Playoff Leaders: PTS:Michael Jordan(680) TRB:Dennis Rodman(248) AST:John Stockton(155) WS:Michael Jordan(4.8)...
NBA Finals The NBA Playoffs reach their apex each year with the NBA Finals #x2014; a winner-takes-all, best-of-seven series between the top teams from the Western and Eastern Conferences. In the 2024 NBA Finals, the Boston Celtics beat the Dallas Mavericks in a hard-fought five-game ser...