Kobe Bryant: Through the Years A wide-ranging look back at Kobe Bryant's legendary basketball career starting at Lower Merion High School and continuing through his rise to becoming a five-time NBA champion and global phenomenon. League Pass...
科比·布莱恩特MVP奖(Kobe Bryant MVP Award),原名美国职业篮球联赛全明星赛最有价值球员奖(National Basketball Association All-Star Game Most Valuable Player)是一个由美国职业篮球联赛每年对全明星赛中表现最佳的球员所颁发的奖项。从1953年起美国职业篮球联赛官方决定为每年的全明星赛选出一位最有价值球员,...
KOBO BEAN BRYANT 科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant,1978年8月23日——2020年1月26日),美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫。自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,是前NBA篮球运动员乔·布莱恩特的儿子。 科比是NBA第一个高中生后卫,帮助洛杉矶湖人队拿下5次NBA总冠军,是NBA史上最年轻...
Despite struggles, basketball wins with Kobe Bryant back(尽管很曲折,科比的回归是篮球的胜利) ——CBS新闻网译文:科比在自己回归的第一战表现得并不算好,9分8个篮板外加8次失误。失误的次数真不算少,而且在比赛中,他很少抬起受伤的脚,另外动作迟缓且跟不上节奏。但当他走下球场时,大多数关注NBA的人都在看...
NBA运动员科比·布莱恩特简介:篮球传奇的辉煌生涯与不朽精神 科比·比恩·布莱恩特(Kobe Bean Bryant,1978年8月23日-2020年1月26日),出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,是一位已故的美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“小飞侠”和“黑曼巴”。他是NBA历史上最伟大的球员之一,整个职业生涯都在洛杉矶湖人队效力...
Basketball legend Kobe Bryant, 41, died Sunday morning in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, sources confirm to CNN. 美国有线电视新闻网通过消息确认,41岁的篮球传奇巨星科比·布莱恩特于26日上午在加利福尼亚州南部卡拉巴萨斯市发生的直升机坠毁事故中丧生。
At just 18 years old, Kobe Bryant entered the league as an athletic, lean prospect with the lofty goal of becoming one of the greatest basketball players of all time. He didn't just meet and exceed those expectations—he redefined what it means to be a legend. ...
He started playing basketball when he was only a child, 3 his father who was once a basketball player influenced his life deeply. His good playing skills brought 4 a lucky life. Kobe Bryant became a professional player at the 5 of 18. Ever since then, he has been a top player in Los...
Kobe Bryant has been living as a legend for 20 years now. He sure as hell was going to die as one. Not that he isn't deep into what comes next. For the past few years, he's been saying he wanted to be a storyteller after he finished with basketball but keeping the ...