NBA 2K24 Pro Pass: Season 9 Beoordelingen van spelers wereldwijd 0.0Geen beoordelingen Geen beoordelingen 0% 0% 0% Game-info en juridische info De NBA 2K24 Pro Pass: Seizoen 9 tilt je MyCAREER en MyTEAM ervaring naar een hoger niveau. Met de Pro Season Pass krijg je toegang tot ...
De NBA 2K24 Pro Pass: Seizoen 9 tilt je MyCAREER en MyTEAM ervaring naar een hoger niveau. Met de Pro Season Pass krijg je toegang tot 40 levels met premium beloningen die je kunt verdienen, inclusief maximaal 45.000 VC terwijl je door het seizoen toewerkt naar level 40! Haal de Seas...
The NBA 2K24 Pro Pass Season 9 takes your MyCAREER and MyTEAM experience to the next level. The Pro Pass unlocks access to 40 levels of earnable premium rewards, including up to 45,000 VC as you progress through the Season on your way to level 40 Get the
El NBA 2K24 Pase Pro: Temporada 2 lleva tu experiencia de Mi CARRERA y Mi TEAM al siguiente nivel. El Pase de Temporada Pro desbloquea el acceso a 40 niveles de recompensas premium ganables, ¡incluyendo hasta 45.000 VC a medida que avanzas en la Tempo
简单来说,「科比・布莱恩特版」和「WNBA女篮版」可以理解为标准版;「黑曼巴版」为豪华版,其中会包含一定数量的虚拟货币、梦幻球队点数、生涯模式强化点数等虚拟增值服务加成;「25周年纪念版」则为传奇版,其中在「黑曼巴版」的权益以外还赠送玩家12个月的NBA League Pass订阅。此外,「曼巴时刻」作为《NBA 2K2...
NBA 2K24 赛季通行证奖励:第赛季 5 NBA2K24 为与声望积累一起赚取额外奖励而带回了赛季奖励。有两个轨道,您可以同时为 MyCareer 和 MyTeam 赚取免费奖励。还有第三个高级轨道,您必须先购买 Pro Pass 或 Hall of Fame Pass 才能获得额外奖励。购买 Hall of Fame Pass 将允许您在购买时跳过10个级别,并为每个...
Now for those who want to dig deeper into the Xs and Os of NBA 2K24. This year we added a new freelance called Comp. This freelance is for competitive players who prefer to control all the movement of their AI teammates. There are no pass or cut actions in comp freelance. The AI pl...
但话说回来,作为近年来2K公司在技术层面的最大突破,「Proplay」还是获得了非常不错的反响,不管是B站上还是油管上,都有许多游戏博主对其表示肯定,博主「Jungle俊鸽」甚至将其称为「史上最强2K」。 而除了技术层面,作为有着纪念意义的一代,情怀同样也是这代《NBA 2K24》的关键词,甚至最大竞争力。就凭封面上众望所...
The NBA 2K24 Pro Pass: Season 6 takes your MyCAREER and MyTEAM experience to the next level. The Pro Pass unlocks access to 40 levels of earnable premium rewards, including up to 45,000 VC as you progress through the Season on your way to level 40! Get the Season 6 Pro Pass & au...
*NBA 2K24 Season Pass FREE rewards require unlocking with gameplay. NBA 2K24 Pro Season Passes and Hall of Fame Passes are available for separate purchase and require base game, internet connection and NBA 2K Account. Paid premium Passes unlock additional rewards for the Season that are earnable...