It seems that one of the biggest issues in NBA 2K24 – at least according todiscussionsover on the official NBA 2K subreddit – has been the matter of “black plates”. For those who are unaware, this is referring to a rep system in MyCAREER’s connected modes, which displays different...
NBA2K24卡登陆界面-登录不进去-无法登录解决方法 在《NBA 2K24》的翘首以待之际,玩家们对这款将于9月9日面世的篮球游戏充满期待。 近日,Reddit用户VirginSpyros披露了一张截图,揭示了《NBA 2K24》在Xbox Series X|S平台的文件体积高达161GB,远超其他大型游戏如《星空》的126GB,显示出其制作的庞大与细致。 然...
关注 NBA 2K 官方 Twitter 账号。订阅 NBA 2K 官方 Facebook 页面。加入 NBA 2K 官方 Instagram。NBA 2K 官方网站:浏览 网站获取最新新闻和更新。游戏内公告:登录到 NBA 2K24 游戏,在 MyTEAM 或相关模式中查看是否有新的储物柜代码通知。游戏社区:参与 Reddit 上的 NBA 2K 社区讨论,例如 r/...
NBA 2k Mobile codes are released on websites likeFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, and Discord. Most of the time, the developer publishes new codes on special occasions like milestones, festivals, partnerships, and special events. We will never post hacks or alleged cheats because ...
Andrew December 30, 2024 Features, Monday Tip-Off, NBA 2K Leave a comment We’re at midcourt, and the ball is about to go up…it’s Monday Tip-Off! Join me as I begin the week here at the NLSC with my opinions and commentary on basketball gaming topics, as well as tales of th...
We recommend heading over to theNBA Down Detector page, which also has fellow players reporting ongoing or new issues to be aware of in the comments section. Lastly, another good place to check is theNBA 2K subreddit. And there you have it, you’re all set to check whether the NBA 2K...
看看美国reddit对阿德加盟篮网后的反应由快船登登 发表在湿乎乎的话题 注:翻译不易,希望大家能在右下角点个赞支持下就好。 realair Why don't we just cut it down to four teams and make all of them super-teams 我们为什么不直接把联盟分成四队,然后让他们都变成超级球队。 daybreakin Since the the gold...
NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition:Basketball fans, get ready to play as your favorite teams in NBA 2K24. The game, available on PS4 and PS5, promises updated teams, better controls, and lots of playing modes. Marvel’s Midnight Suns:For those who like their heroes with a side of darkness,...
▲ 图源 Reddit 讨论 当然前作《NBA 2K23》 也很大,为 152GB +1 分享回复1 2k24吧 kbhu11224 《NBA 2K24》成为Steam差评榜第一的游戏2023年9月8日,体育游戏《NBA 2K24》在全平台发售。手谈姬看篮球比较少,所以对这款每年都更的“年货型”篮球游戏关注不多。不过即便姬很爱看足球,也很少去买《FIFA...
从缺席胜率到On-Off再到RAPM,不管是季后赛还是关键时刻,詹姆斯都经受住了考验。极其巨大的比赛影响力,是詹姆斯能够在各种低阶、高阶数据霸榜的本质原因勒布朗其实就是goat 比数据越比越强,比冠军一只手都伸不出来 亮了(241) 回复 查看评论(6) 巅峰勒布朗詹姆斯2023-02-19 03:23:08 点灭只看此人举报 引用@...