NBA 2K 官方网站:浏览 网站获取最新新闻和更新。游戏内公告:登录到 NBA 2K24 游戏,在 MyTEAM 或相关模式中查看是否有新的储物柜代码通知。游戏社区:参与 Reddit 上的 NBA 2K 社区讨论,例如 r/NBA2k 子论坛。在 YouTube 和 Twitch 上关注知名的游戏主播或专门发布NBA 2K内容的频道。合作伙伴和...
MyTeam Lastly, MyTeam has made some changes and improvements to their mode as well, with gamers kind of forcing their hand on a few of them. Like the removal of the Auction House, allowing gamers to be able to outright buy cards that are in packs making it more ...
I know I’vementionedthe Reddit thread about the “MMO-ification of NBA 2K” in a number of articles, but as the years have gone by, it’s been proven right time and time again. The online scene has continued to favour elite gamers (or at least, gamers with an elitist attitude), wh...
MyTEAM gamers are up in arms once again, as 2K has pulled a Kobe Bryant card that a pre-release developer insight for NBA 2K24 promoted as the top Collector Level reward, coming in Season 6. We share our thoughts on the situation and 2K’s trademark lack of communication, drawing compar...
Finally, at Level 40 is the ultimate reward for Season 4. 99 OVR Dark Matter Dwyane Wade is immediately one of the best cards in all of MyTEAM. The future Hall of Famer and formerNBA 2Kcover athlete is sure to be a staple of most player’s lineups headed into 2025. ...
除了官方渠道和游戏内提示外,你还可以通过访问NBA2K24的社区和论坛来获取储物柜代码。在这些平台上,热情的玩家们会分享他们找到的最新代码,并讨论游戏的各种策略和技巧。一些知名的游戏论坛和社区包括Reddit的NBA2K版块、Steam社区以及各大游戏门户网站的相关论坛。四、合作活动和赞助商 有时,NBA2K24会与其他品牌或...
▲ 图源 Reddit 讨论 当然前作《NBA 2K23》 也很大,为 152GB +1 分享回复1 2k24吧 kbhu11224 《NBA 2K24》成为Steam差评榜第一的游戏2023年9月8日,体育游戏《NBA 2K24》在全平台发售。手谈姬看篮球比较少,所以对这款每年都更的“年货型”篮球游戏关注不多。不过即便姬很爱看足球,也很少去买《FIFA...
NBA 2k Mobile codes are released on websites likeFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, and Discord. Most of the time, the developer publishes new codes on special occasions like milestones, festivals, partnerships, and special events. We will never post hacks or alleged cheats because...
跟姚明有个der关系,是因为中期上海引进了很多nba现役球员除此之外还有一部分2k的宣传功劳 ...
nba2k吧 LBJMVP2016 nba2k17新功能(转自reddit)和目前已知汇总楼主翻译: 通用 1.明年会有限时的储物柜兑换码 2.移动用户端(手机)面部扫描 3.很多新的球员个人动作,球员会有“全面对各个动作的控制” MC——故事模式似乎会归来因为一个演员发推特说他在为游戏而工作 MyTeam模式——自由球员卡牌会在一定量使用...