觸發站立測量灌籃的方法與觸發測量灌籃的方法相同。向上推右搖桿,然後向上推右搖桿,向下推右搖桿,然後向上推右搖桿,或者向下推右搖桿,然後向下推右搖桿。站立測量灌籃在 NBA 2K24 中非常強大。 如何在 2K24 中進行跳躍灌籃? 在2K24 中進行跳躍灌籃,按住加速鍵並朝籃筐方向行進,將右搖桿向下並指向非球手的一側。
NBA 2K24 Best Dunk Packages, Dunk Styles and Dunk Animations. Here are the dunks you should equip in NBA 2k24.
Creating your own shot off the dribble isn’t the only way to get good shots in the game of basketball. Knowing how to operate away from the ball is just as important.NBA 2K24features in-depth off-ball offense controls to perform right analog stick jukes and other quick explosive moves t...
on xbox, nba 2k24 is a visual marvel. the player models, court details, and crowd animations are more realistic than ever. every dunk, crossover, and fast break is brought to life with unparalleled fluidity. the broadcast-style presentation and engaging commentary make you feel like you’re...
Whether you prefer competitive basketball games or just looking to chill with sports games after a long day, the stadium crowd will go wild as you slam dunk. NBA 2K Mobile is a free basketball sports game and just one of the many titles brought to you by 2K including NBA 2K25, NBA 2K...
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