Optimized forXBOX Series X|S 《NBA 2K23》数字豪华版预购 2K 3+ 用户交互 游戏内购买(包括随机道具) 把握机会,在《NBA 2K23》中发掘你的全部潜力。在世界上最有才华的球员面前证明自己,并在辉煌生涯中展示你的天赋。在梦幻球队中将全明星与永恒传奇配对。作为一名经理,建立属于你自己的王朝,或作为篮球...
『NBA 2K23』で数々の挑戦に打ち勝ち、自分の潜在能力を最大限に発揮しよう!「マイキャリア」モードでは世界のトップ プレイヤーと対戦し、才能を証明しよう。「マイチーム」モードでは、現役のオールスター選手たちに時代を超えたレジェンド選手たちを組み合わせて夢のチ
《NBA 2K23》讓你面對挑戰臨危不亂、充分發揮你的籃球潛能。在MyCAREER或The W模式中,對抗世界頂尖球員,證明你的本事、展現你的才華。在MyTEAM模式裡,與當今全明星球員和永恆傳奇巨星組隊打球。在MyNBA模式下,擔任球隊總經理打造你的籃球王朝,或是以主席的身份帶領聯盟
NBA 2K23 (XOne) 3,7 Vergleiche Preise von € 7,20 bis € 69,99 · Platzierung 11 in Xbox One-SpielePreise Preisentwicklung Produktinformationen Spezifikationen Eneba NBA 2K22 (Standard Edition) Pre-Order Bonus (DLC) (Nintendo Switch) eShop Key EUROPE Niedrigster Preis· Startselect...
NBA 2K23 is already available for pre-order, with the Standard Edition priced at $59.99 on PC and old-generation consoles (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) and $69.99 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X. Digital pre-order bonuses include: ...
1.NBA2K23 Standard Edition 1). Cover:Devin Booker 2). Price: • $59.99 onPS4,Xbox One,Nintendo Switch, and PC • $69.99 on PS5 andXboxSeries X|S 3). Pre-orders Bonuses With this edition, you get just the game on your selected platform, plus the following pre-order bonuses: ...
With the ground-breaking cross-play technology test conducted by EA within FIFA 22’s PS5 and Xbox Series X versions, many NBA 2K fans are hoping for it to be rolled out in 2K23 as well. However, no significant movement has been made regarding this petition. Nonetheless, it does provide...
• 『NBA 2K25』両世代機対応デジタル エディション• 『WWE 2K24』両世代機対応デジタル エディション• 『TopSpin 2K25』両世代機対応デジタル・エディション *ProPLAY™テクノロジーおよびThe Wのコンテンツは、Xbox Series X|Sの『NBA 2K25』でのみご利用いただけま...
rewards and content awaiting you in the City (PlayStation®5, Xbox Series S|X) and aboard the G.O.A.T. Boat (PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) respectively. You’ve waited long enough, it’s time to share what you can expect during the first Season of NBA 2K23....
NBA 2K has delivered authentic basketball video games with cutting edge gameplay for 20 years to become an integral part of basketball culture. Find out more.