and more seamless actions. We can't wait for the community to experience this year’s gameplay, explore the all-new features, and discover a lot of the hidden things we’ve snuck into the game.NBA 2K23hits the shelves September 9, but you can reserve your copy today...
NBA 2K23 offers tons of camera settings with the option of tinkering with each and every element of the camera position. With so many options, it is normal to be confused and sometimes you don’t want to test every option to see which works for you. So that is why you can always go...
To access these gameplay sliders (on next-gen), go to the main menu > Features > CPU / User Sliders. From this section, you can load gameplay sliders from the 2K Community as well as save your own sliders if you decide to customize them....
Scroll down to and select ‘Gameplay’ Also See: NBA 2K23 Controller Settings Explained & Recommendations Settings Definitions, Options, and Recommendations (Note: some settings are only available for certain game modes) Game Difficulty Description: Choose the preset that best describes the experience ...
Since its announcement, NBA 2K23 was embroiled in some controversy as the game’s PC and Switch versions will not have the same features as the next-gen consoles. Interested fans can check out the Courtside Reportherefor more intricate details on the features and how they will work in game...
Indeed, 2K Sports says that the main pillar for this year can be summed up in one word: Authenticity. In this article, we'll be discussing just how NBA 2K23 offensive gameplay enhancements will make the game more authentic on both current and next-gen consoles....
An update for NBA 2K23 has been released in preparation for Season 6, improving aspects of MyCareer, MyTeam, and general gameplay updates. NBA 2K23 Season 6 kicks off on April 7, so you will notice a few changes heading into this season. Here are the patch notes for the NBA 2K23 up...
The shot meter has been a classic gameplay mechanic in the NBA franchise and inNBA 2k23. It helps players achieve more consistent jump shots through visual assistance for the button release timing. The shot meter is a bar that fills up when you hold down the shot button. Inside the meter...
预览 [分享] 【优化】【3DM 2K工作组】NBA 2K9/2K10/2K11过中场流畅,画面特效增强优化配置文件补丁 ...23456..790 火腿 2010-1-12 21:46 23694657482 chenge0 2024-11-18 20:53 预览 [原创] ---2k11MP模式---7支队存档,自建球员刚被签10天短合同的 ...23456..9 epmtdh 2010-10-31 21:51 26...
预览 [原创] 【名单】【2KCN&3DM补丁组】【2K10】NBA2K10~2011赛季大补最终整合第三终结修正版7.21名单 ...23456..626 cfword 2009-10-14 21:33 18760661098 wudiqq123 2025-1-8 11:24 预览 [原创] 2K10内存修改器终结篇 By 依然寂寞 ...23456..499 依然寂寞 2009-10-16 09:40 14946454950 277653...