NBA 2K22 for Xbox One is a basketball simulation game that offers a comprehensive gaming experience. Play as your favorite teams and stars in real NBA and WNBA environments , build your dream team in MyTEAM , and live out your pro journey in MyCAREER . The game features a new tactical...
Xbox One YNBA 2K22 -Nba 2K23 - Xbox Series X YFIFA 21 Physical Video Games – Xbox One & Xbox Series X YEA Sports: PGA Tour - Xbox Series X NCarnival Games, 2K, Xbox One, Physical, 710425594762 YConstruction Simulator, Xbox Ser...
Optimised for Xbox Series S/XYes NBA 2K22 System Requirements Windows Minimum osWindows 7 or higher processorIntel Core i3-2100 3.1 GHz or AMD FX 4100 3.6 GHz memory4GB graphicsNvidia GeForce GT 450 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770 1GB storage110GB ...
EINE GANZE BASKETBALLWELT NBA 2K22 legt das ganze Basketballuniversum in deine Hände. SPIELE JETZT in realen NBA- und WNBA-Umgebungen gegen authentische Teams und Spieler*innen. Baue in MyTEAM dein eigenes Dreamteam aus den Stars von heute und Legend
讓球技更上層樓 全新的戰術性進攻加上全面翻新過的防守,讓《NBA 2K22》中的對戰更具競爭性且更讓人投入。將以球技為基礎的運球、投球、灌籃與空中接力納入自己的動作組合中,並在防守時用改頭換面的兇猛火鍋和對抗阻止對手得分。 全體登船 在專為Xbox One平台打造的全新《2K22》街區中揚帆出海。創造屬於自己的完...
1 Review All Reviews Positive Reviews Mixed Reviews Negative Reviews 90 IGN France Sep 19, 2021 Thanks to an impeccable production, NBA 2K22 feels more immersive and realistic than ever. Its gameplay is slower and more true to the game of basketball. Even though the RPG features of My Career...
2K不在XGP里吧 不联机没必要开会员 来自iPhone客户端5楼2022-03-07 14:39 收起回复 清澈丶里 极限车手 9 买个游戏就行了 你不是有ps了 xgp里也没有2k 不如你在ps上买个2k不是一样玩 何必再多买一个主机嘞 不是更贵嘛 来自Android客户端6楼2022-03-07 14:50 收起回复 asd...
《NBA 2K22》现已登陆 Xbox Series X/S、Xbox One IT之家 9 月 23 日消息 根据微软 Xbox 官方消息,今日篮球游戏《NBA 2K22》已经登陆 Xbox Series X/S 以及 Xbox One 游戏主机,预告片同时发布。官方表示,《NBA 2K22》能够在 Xbox Series S 主机上稳定 60fps 运行,助力玩家操控角色奔向名人堂。在这...
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