#NBA2K22# 2Kreddit里的一篇给2K的反馈贴,里面的内容都已经通过官方反馈给2K support了: **游戏性** * 错误:投篮条有时会在屏幕外显示或在 10 月 22 日补丁(次世代)之后被剪掉。 * 此更改一直存在争议,改为在设置中切换?一些面补 **快速游戏** * 错误:为了可见性而重复——与朋友一起玩现在没有调整...
刚刚在前方reddit看到的截图,上面显示pc端和switch等平台依然会沿用本世代的老引擎,不会更新主机次时代画质,我真的服了! 懒狗2k司马NBA2K专区NBA2K23 发布于加利福尼亚阅读20312这些回复亮了 单打不传球楼主2022-07-07· 加利福尼亚 天天在那宣传wnba和一堆没用的功能,尼玛你起码干点正事把王朝模式经理模式修一下...
On reddit, tayjkeithftnu switched the focus from on-court gameplay to MyLeague. “I like that we can override end of the season awards, [but] it would be cool if we could edit Christmas Day schedules and MLK day schedules too,” he writes. “After the first season, Christmas Day ga...
《NBA 2K19》的玩家们,最近对游戏内无法跳过的广告颇有微词。 上周六(6月22日)(北京时间周日),在Reddit的一个新讨论串上,一位用户名为afilathiel的网民发布了一张《NBA 2K》载入界面的的截图,并附上说明:“60美元游戏中不能跳过的广告”,并咒骂了2K。 载入界面看广告,对2K体育游戏的玩家来说并不是什么新鲜...
NBA 2k22 Error Code 727e66ac When you try to launch My Career mode you are greeted with this error code. This error has been around for a while now. It has existed for multiple titles of this game. This error code prevents the users from using the online feature of this game. ...
Brian Mazique还透露,目前并未有双方新协议的具体细节,但这笔签约也将让东契奇成为NBA 2K22封面人物的热门。2019年12月,东契奇就被EA官方宣布成为NBA Live Mobile(移动设备版)的封面,但NBA Live主机端正代游戏,自NBA Live 19之后就未再发行。值得一提的是,由于本赛季东契奇近日多次被吹T,国外论坛reddit上...
With that being said, I do keep tabs on what’s going on with NBA 2K’s online scene, paying attention to what my fellow basketball gamers are saying about it on social media and Reddit. Sadly, from the sounds of things, not much has changed. Well, it might’ve grown even worse if...
Without a doubt, however, the mode that gained the most attention and changes in this year’s NBA 2K22 is MyCareer, so we’re giving it its own review. Here’s how I’m approaching this: I want to highlight the main setup for how you begin your career. Then, we’ll take time ...
Share on FacebookShare on TwitterPost on Reddit NBA 2K25takes another leap forward with its Pro Play technology, promising to revolutionize gameplay like never before with its wealth of NBA footage-based animations littered throughout. Along with changes and upgrades to popular modes like My Career...