篮球是长人运动,内线上榜多,加内特2,约基奇6,邓肯8,恩比德9,格林10,字母13,戈贝尔14,诺维茨基16,奥尼尔17,穆托姆博18,上将20,唐斯24,他们的进攻和防守均符合目测。 RAPM最大的缺陷,是样本需求大,无法用在单一赛季。因此现在主流的高阶数据,都是RAPM和基础数据的结合。另一个缺陷是,没有专门区分出季后赛、没有...
骑士球迷:勒布朗将成为NBA40k系列的封面人物(目前是2k)[–][TOR] Pascal SiakamMazKhan 867 points an hour ago All in 29 fucking minutes, he was made in a science lab 猛龙球迷:这些数据仅仅在TM29分钟里砍下的,他是实验室里造出来的吗?[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanDoyinYale 466 points an hour a...
看看美国reddit对阿德加盟篮网后的反应由快船登登 发表在湿乎乎的话题 注:翻译不易,希望大家能在右下角点个赞支持下就好。 realair Why don't we just cut it down to four teams and make all of them super-teams 我们为什么不直接把联盟分成四队,然后让他们都变成超级球队。 daybreakin Since the the gold...
目前2K Games对这两种玩家做出了处理,他们中部分玩家遭到了官方的永久封号。因此,很多玩家在Reddit论坛上对2K Games这一简单粗暴的封号行为发出了抱怨,毕竟从根本上讲,这是游戏拍卖功能的漏洞,而使用了这些漏洞的玩家即使应该受到惩罚,但永久封号也显得有些过于严厉。
▲ 图源 Reddit 讨论 当然前作《NBA 2K23》 也很大,为 152GB,不过外媒认为,相较其他体育游戏,《NBA 2K》系列游戏的大小相当惊人,例如 《FIFA 24》(以下均为 Xbox 版本体积,55 GB)、《麦登橄榄球 24》 (39 GB)、《NHL23》(37 GB)、《WWE 2K23》 (60 GB),都远小于《NBA: 2K24》。
freelance offensive flow has been greatly improved moving to next-gen. There are several actions that we just had a hard time getting to run smoothly in past 2K games, but thanks to the logic upgrades and vastly improved motion engine, everything flows extremely well in NBA 2K21 for next-...
This week, we join the community in sharing our picks in each of those categories. We also recap a fun session using a work-in-progress Kobe Era roster for NBA 2K25 PC, in which we took on the Seattle Supersonics with the Golden State Warriors. Naturally, we also reflect on those squa...
《NBA 2K24》即将于9月9日发售,Reddit用户VirginSpyros晒出截图显示,《NBA 2K24》Xbox Series X|S版的文件大小为161GB,比在今天正式解锁的《星空》(126GB)还大,十分夸张。随着《NBA 2K24》的后续更新,容量需求还将进一步扩大。 近年来的体育游戏文件大小逐年攀升,例如:《Madden 24》51GB、《FIFA 24》55GB、...
As noted in that Reddit post, it wasn’t always that way. Earlier this decade, the NBA 2K games were going out of their way to teach gamers all of the basic and advanced controls, in an environment that was both helpful and creative. Those efforts began with the introduction of Training...