Subscribe for more NBA 2K Mobile action! Music by: & Harris Heller – Streambeats Disclaimers: all opinions are my own, and sponsors are acknowledged. Not financial advice, for entertainment purposes only. #nba2kmobile #karlanthonytowns #donovanmitchell #giannisantetokounmpo Like and...
NBA 2k Mobile codes are released on websites likeFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, and Discord. Most of the time, the developer publishes new codes on special occasions like milestones, festivals, partnerships, and special events. We will never post hacks or alleged cheats because ...
As noted in that Reddit post, it wasn’t always that way. Earlier this decade, the NBA 2K games were going out of their way to teach gamers all of the basic and advanced controls, in an environment that was both helpful and creative. Those efforts began with the introduction of Training...
It seems that one of the biggest issues in NBA 2K24 – at least according todiscussionsover on the official NBA 2K subreddit – has been the matter of “black plates”. For those who are unaware, this is referring to a rep system in MyCAREER’s connected modes, which displays different...
更令人无语的是,根据国外玩家在Steam购买《NBA 2K20》,他发现游戏的桌面快捷图标竟然还是《2K19》,这一点同样在Steam评论与Reddit讨论区中也有玩家反应是真的。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Brian Mazique还透露,目前并未有双方新协议的具体细节,但这笔签约也将让东契奇成为NBA 2K22封面人物的热门。2019年12月,东契奇就被EA官方宣布成为NBA Live Mobile(移动设备版)的封面,但NBA Live主机端正代游戏,自NBA Live 19之后就未再发行。值得一提的是,由于本赛季东契奇近日多次被吹T,国外论坛reddit上...
在18-20几代中和up and under(篮下上下动作)一起成为近框转圈现象的罪魁祸首,若其他2k中保有大量的篮下近框终结动作,则数值可能不需要普遍调低,具体需要测试。篮下投篮:很多人搞不清此项与站立上篮,站立扣篮的关系。篮下投篮负责控制出手,篮站立上篮和站立扣篮是出手方式。具体来说就是如果篮下投篮过低即使站扣...
Share on FacebookShare on TwitterPost on Reddit Last year’s jump from current-gen to next-gen consoles basically created two versions ofNBA 2K21.The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions were fine. However, their next-gen counterparts on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S took full ad...
不再需要在 Twitter 上浏览 NBA 热门对话、在 Reddit 上观看球迷辩论、在 Real App 上观看互动实况、在 The Athletic 上观看 NBA 新闻、在 Instagram 上观看幕后时刻,或者在 StatMuse 上了解深入的球员和球队统计数据。 Digits 将所有这一切整合到一个易于使用的平台上。 🏟️ 现场竞技场:真实的游戏体验无法...
NBA 2k22 Error Code 727e66ac When you try to launch My Career mode you are greeted with this error code. This error has been around for a while now. It has existed for multiple titles of this game. This error code prevents the users from using the online feature of this game. ...