当地时间9月8日凌晨,印尼雅加达近郊一所监狱发生火灾,已造成至少41人死亡,81人受伤。遇难者都是囚犯,包括来自葡萄牙和南非的犯人。火灾发生时大多数囚犯在睡觉火势迅猛,狱警来不及打开所有牢房且灭火器缺乏。目前,火灾原因正在调查中。据悉该监狱本应容纳600人。实际却有2000名犯人在监,只配备15名狱警。 浏览360 ...
If the packet is going through a router, ARP resolves the media access control address for that next-hop router, rather than the final destination host. When an ARP reply is received, the ARP cache is updated with the new information, and it is used to address the packet at the link ...