In this tutorial, we'll walk through setting up the FHIR service in Azure Health Data Services (hereby called FHIR service) to pass the Touchstone tests for the Da Vinci Payer Data Exchange US Drug Formulary Implementation Guide. Touchstone capability statement The first test that we'll focus ...
""#$%&’(")""*#($")(($"( 利巴韦林(病毒唑),1972年由美国艾欣医药 公司(ICNPharmaceuticals)首先发明。它具有抑 制呼吸道合胞病毒、流感病毒、甲型肝炎病毒、 腺病毒等多种病毒生长的作用。该药问世以来, 很多研究者都对其胚胎发育毒性、致癌性以及致 突变性进行了研究。现收集国内外有关文献进行 汇总...
Da Vinci Drug Formulary Da Vinci PDex Da Vinci Plan Net Search FHIR operations $convert-data $export $import $member-match Patient/$everything $purge-history $bulk-delete $validate Copy data to Synapse API reference Resources Last ned PDF Learn...
Da Vinci Drug Formulary Da Vinci PDex Da Vinci Plan Net Search FHIR operations $convert-data $convert-data overview Configure settings for $convert-data Transform HL7v2 data to FHIR R4 Troubleshoot $convert-data $convert-data FAQ $export $import $member-match Patient/$everything $purge-history...
Interoperability and patient access CMS Interoperability and Patient Access rule introduction CARIN Implementation Guide for Blue Button Da Vinci Drug Formulary Da Vinci PDex Da Vinci Plan Net Search FHIR operations API reference Resources Last ned PDF Learn...