conda install defaults::nb_conda_kernels conda install conda-forge::nb_conda_kernels nb_conda_kernels This extension enables aJupyter NotebookorJupyterLabapplication in onecondaenvironment to access kernels for Python, R, and other languages found in other environments. When a kernel from an externa...
conda install nb_conda_kernels 按回车键执行命令: 按下回车键后,conda将开始处理安装命令。 等待安装完成: 安装过程中,conda会处理依赖关系,下载并安装必要的文件。这可能需要一些时间,具体取决于您的网络连接速度和包的大小。请耐心等待,直到安装完成。 验证安装是否成功: 安装完成后,您可以通过以下方式验证nb_co...
I originally mentioned this in the comments in #112. It feels like a bug (but please let me know otherwise). On my system (MacOS, python==3.7.6, nb_conda_kernels==2.2.2) my conda environments simply weren't appearing, regardless of how m...
降低Python版本:如果您的Python版本过高,可能会导致nb_conda_kernels无法正常安装。请尝试降低您的Python版本,或者在base环境中执行以下命令来安装nb_conda_kernels: conda install nb_conda_kernels 更新conda环境:如果您的conda环境有问题,可能会导致nb_conda_kernels无法正常安装。请尝试更新您的conda环境,或者创建一个...
"kernel_spec_manager_class": "nb_conda_kernels.CondaKernelSpecManager" 5.Delete the comma preceding it. ( may really works!) 作者:领风者 链接: 找到你本地的anaconda安装路径: ...
先说一下conda吧 Conda 是一个开源的软件包管理系统和环境管理系统,用于安装多个版本的软件包及其依赖...
服务器jupyter notebook 打开错误 nb_conda_kernels.CondaKernelSpecManager' could not be imported 打开前先激活一个环境 source activate py37 激活之后再打开 jupyter notebook
但是使用 Create React App 搭建的项目,npm run start 指向本地环境 development,npm run build 指向...
conda.recipe nb_conda_kernels logos tests .binstar.yml .gitignore LICENSE environment.yml package.json Latest commit Nicholas Bollweg jk, don't lint in test ...
I can't find how to temporarily disable, or permanently remove, nb_conda_kernels. I tried to permanently remove with conda (conda remove nb_conda_kernels), but that flags environment inconsistencies similar to #188 before hanging.ZorrowHu commented Oct 19, 2020 conda/conda#8490 (comment) ...