Boot Camp isseven to eight weeks long, depending on scheduling. Navy Boot Camp resides at the Recruit Training Command (RTC) in Great Lakes, Illinois, which is in close proximity to Chicago. In Boot Camp, civilian recruits are transformed into Navy sailors. ...
All recruits were processed through the Recruit Training Command (RTC) in Great Lakes, Illinois, between June 1996 and June 1997. They were initially surveyed during their first week at RTC. Follow- up surveys were mailed 6 months after basic training. Men who did not respond were mailed a ...
Navy recruits train inland at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, Illinois, where they learn to operate firearms and receive training regarding shipboard emergencies, firefighting, etc., focusing on shipborne activities. Marine Corps recruits receive their training on the coast at the Marine C...
NSW/NSO "Dive" Motivators, at RTC, give presentations on the Navy's NSW/NSO programs, conduct the physical training screening tests, and assist interested Recruits with their applications at RTC. A more stringent physical examination and medical screening is conducted at RTC. Recruit's entrance ...