The final business of the day entailed going to the quartermaster and drawing our clothing allowance, which was deposited into individual sea bags. Our military uniform included two pairs of dungarees, two blue work shirts, white undershirts, sets of skivvies, pairs of navy blue socks, one pa...
Quartermaster B450(6/11) Religious Programs Specialist B720(3/5) SH = SHIPS SERVICEMAN(2/2) STG = SONAR TECHNICIAN SURFACE(7/17) YN = YEOMAN(10/65) Orthopedic byakkieoa 08-28-202104:21 AM 2241,627 Airmen (Airdales)(9 Viewing) ...
Naval Training Station at Great Lakes, Illinois — as gunner’s mates, quartermasters, radiomen, yeomen, boatswain’s mates, radar operators, and other specialties besides messmen. And on May 11, President Roosevelt approved awarding Miller the Navy Cross—at the time, the third-hig...