11、Epoxy Coating, Corrosion Inhibiting, Lead and Chromate Free. Federal Standard Colors. Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. Marking for Shipment and Storage. Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property. DoD Material Procedures for Develop- - ment and Application of Pack...
“FEDERAL“: After “QQ-C-533“, delete: “QQ-8-626 Yellow Brass“ * 2.1 “SPECIFICATIONS“ “MILITARY“: After “MIL-S-901(NAVY), ad 4、d: “MIL-S-1222 Studs, Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, And Nuts“ * 2.1 “SPECIFICATIONS “MILITARY“: After “MIL-E-17555, add: “MIL-F-18240 ...
9、DERAL FED-STD-H28 - Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services. FED-STD-162 - Hose, Rubber, Visual Inspection Guide for. FED-STD-601 - Rubber, Sampling, and Testing. (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the above standards are available from the Defense Automated Printing Services, At...