Both my bookkeeping client and I were able to get on the phone with Navy Federal Credit Union's Digital department and have them turn off the two-step verification setting on the client's bank account login. If the client has more than one business account that you...
5:30 a.m. — I wake up in D.'s bed. He had a rough night so I ended up in his room. I sneak out and see that K. is in the guest bed with F. — looks like he had a rough night too. K. tells me the pup has been let out but not fed so I make my way to the ki...
they were crucial for the success of Canada’s naval operations in the war: “Some of their jobs are routine, but they are jobs that must be performed efficiently to make sure that Naval personnel is well fed or paid on time; that Navy families...
These accounts help defray the cost of child care and other dependent care by providing tax savings. For help in determining whether to set up an account, and how much money to set aside, officials advise troops to take advantage of the Defense Department’s free counsel...