I got out for a few reasons; Carter for one, being on the USS Neverport for another and the Navy telling me that my pay was commensurate with civilian pay (my rate & NEC corresponded to Air Traffic Controller), which it didn't! On my last eval our department head recommended me for...
-MISSION READY. Was sent out on a grandeour mission aboard USS RAPHAEL PERALTA (DDG-115), helping 7th fleet OPTASK and staying combat crew ready. Flew 80 mishap free flight hours, fully qualified HADG and NVD TACFORM crewman in support of CTF 70 join excercises: Completed multiple shipboar...
In addition to the SWLS, the first question of the SF-12, a short-form scale that assesses general health, is used to determine the subject's perception of their overall health ranging from poor to excellent [28]. 2.5.6. Psychological flexibility The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for ...
NFKC,表示“兼容等价合成”(Normalization Form Compatibility Composition),返回合成字符。所谓“兼容等价”指的是语义上存在等价,但视觉上不等价,比如“囍”和“喜喜”。(这只是用来举例,normalize方法不能识别中文。) NFKD,表示“兼容等价分解”(Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition),即在兼容等价的前提下,返...
<match mode="function-param-controllable"><![CDATA[(array_map|create_function|call_user_func|call_user_func_array|assert|eval|dl|register_tick_function|register_shutdown_function|array_filter|array_reduce|array_diff_ukey|array_udiff|array_walk|array_walk_recursive|uasort|uksort|usort)]]></match...