The Navy's enlisted advancement system seeks to satisfy the requirements for petty officer personnel among ratings and paygrades and control the expenditure of its manpower budget. In addition, the system is intended to create a pool of petty officers for assignment to duty by paygrade and skill...
just above Master Sergeant and below Chief Master Sergeant, and is a non-commissioned officer. Promotion to Senior Master Sergeant is the most difficult enlisted promotion to attain in the Air Force. It is the first enlisted grade to which results of a central promotion board are the primary...
advancementthroughtheSeptember2011E4-E6NWAEwilladvancetothenexthigher paygradeduringadvancementcycle212(January-June2012)andtheirERBresultswillbe vacated.TheseSailorswillretainedonActiveDuty. CONVERSIONOPTIONS: SailorsselectedforconversionintoanundermannedratingwillreceivePCSordersto transfer to ...