By submitting this form, I request and agree to receive the respective information once via e-mail. I further confirm that I agree to the processing of my personal data by NavVis for the purposes stated in this form. I am aware that I am entitled to withdraw my consent to this data pro...
Experience an unrivaled combination of agility, ergonomics, and outstanding data quality from a handheld device. NEWSLETTER Get the latest news as it happens. You will receive our newsletter once a month about upcoming events and webinars as well as latest news from the field. Sign up now...
NavVis provides Haier with 3D scanning based on SLAM technology for space detection and map reconstruction is a low-cost and efficient digital twin technology, Haier provides an open tool platform, this solution can dock with IOT, intelligence, information systems. It can be widely used in ...
The speed and scalability of mobile mapping devices are the best they've ever been, bringing survey-grade accuracy to the most challenging projects. Get hands on with NavVis VLX and see for yourself what's possible. This tool embodies the latest in mobile mapping and simultaneous localization an...
Talk about getting it done with NavVis VLX.In addition, the advanced capabilities of NavVis IVION have proven to be a game-changer for our customers in so many dimensions. Not only does it reduce the time-to-market and operational costs for our clients, such as BMW, Audi, and Siemens, ...
This year, we had two successful product roll-outs,NavVis IVIONandNavVis VLX 2. With these launches, we further solidified our reputation as a global leader in end-to-end solutions for reality capture and digital twin technologies. Both of these products round out our NavVis Reality Capture So...