clear up to the city front of Saint Paul, Minn., more than 1,700 miles away.Besides the Mississippi, he has piloted nearly 1,000 miles of the Ohio between its confluence with the Mississippi at Cairo, Ill., and Pittsburgh Pa.; and the 330 miles of the Illinois from Grafton, Ill. to...
Policy frameworks are also a major deterrent to diversifying in the region. In 2022, between 75 and 80% of agricultural land was dedicated to corn and soybean production in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, the majority of which went to livestock feed, ethanol, and food additives (USDA ERS2023a;...
Navigating the Socio-Bio-Geo-Chemistry and Engineering of Nitrogen Management in Two Illinois Tile-Drained Watersheds Reducing nitrate loads from corn and soybean, tile-drained, agricultural production systems in the Upper Mississippi River basin is a major challenge that has not been met. We evaluat...
Nagar, Richa. 2014. Muddying the Waters: Coauthoring Feminisms Across Scholarship and Activism. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Nagar, Richa. 2019. Hungry Translations: Relearning the World Through Radical Vulnerability. Champaign, IL: University...
We evaluated a range of possible management practices from biophysical and social science perspectives that could reduce nitrate losses from tile-drained fields in the Upper Salt Fork and Embarras River watersheds of east-central Illinois. Long-term water quality monitoring on these watersheds showed ...
For a more acute examination of the transformative role that harnessing water for transportation served in the formation of nineteenth century America, I turn to three water-based improvement projects, The Louisville and Portland Canal, The Illinois and Michigan Canal, and the Des Moines River ...
Policy frameworks are also a major deterrent to diversi- fying in the region. In 2022, between 75 and 80% of agri- cultural land was dedicated to corn and soybean production in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, the majority of which went to livestock feed, ethanol, and food additives (USDA ...
(2002) TMDL, SWPAs, and Really Low Metals Limits in the Upstate - Navigating the Water Quality Requirements in South Carolina. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference [CD-ROM]; Chicago, Illinois, Sept 28-Oct 2; Water Environment Federation:...
(2002) TMDL, SWPAs, and Really Low Metals Limits in the Upstate - Navigating the Water Quality Requirements in South Carolina. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference [CD-ROM]; Chicago, Illinois, Sept...