In the blog post called,Reading in the Help File with Get-Content (Part 2 of 2), I started the process of roaming around the PowerShell help file. I followed the process I'm going to talk through when I needed to build some quick scripts that checked all ...
1. Run the below commands to store theC:\Program Files\PowerShell\directory to the$pshvariable, and set that location ($psh) as the current directory. # Store a directory path to a variable$psh='C:\Program Files\PowerShell\'# Set the directory from the $psh variable as the current di...
Everybody is familiar on how the file system is organized. File systems are hierarchical namespaces, comprised of directories that contain files and other directories. PowerShell Snap-in leverage this familarity with the file system and allow other data stores to be exposed as an hie...
Adam:That sustained focus paid off. For those who invested in PowerShell, their skills grew more valuable over time. Instead of frequent disruptive changes, the core ideas remained consistent, and each release made their skills more valuable. In big picture, what’s truly fascinating is how Pow...
\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log (replace C: for your system drive), the setup program creates a folder for each one of the setup executions using for the name the date and time when the setup started, for example in one of my boxes I...
Note, there are 2300 files to be unzipped, so hopefully there is a sample in here for everyone.At a high level, we work down the directory structure from technology, sample type, and then some functional grouping of samples. Within the “Sample Type” we have a few different categories ...
Shell Lightweight Utility Functions Progress Bar Controls Overview IRichEditOle General Control Reference Structures Methods Macros Macros ITextPara Accessing Property Descriptions Using the Property System APIs Storage Folder Files Multithreaded Apartment (MTA) Support for COM components ActivityCollection.System....
backup and restore a specific registry key in powershell Backup Bitlocker recovery key in AD on existing bitlocker domain computer Bat file to be ran as admin in powershell Batch File or script to change reg value batch file that exports registry key Batch printing Publisher files with 'Microsof...
AppShell, changing TitleView Background Color Ask the developer for Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1 package Assets files write/read Async method using RestSharp Async MoveNext() Object reference is not set to an instance of an object. Async Task not firing on button click ATTENTION."Package res...
AppShell, changing TitleView Background Color Ask the developer for Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1 package Assets files write/read Async method using RestSharp Async MoveNext() Object reference is not set to an instance of an object. Async Task not firing on button click ATTENTION."Package res...