I need to solve Navier-Stokes equation in spherical coordinate. Prof. Batchelor gave mass and momentum equations directly without derivation in his book "An introduction to Fluid Mechanics", 1967. Besides, some show a coordinate transformation from Cartesian, which is not clear from a physical basi...
Rotating spherical coordinatesWe show that a consistent shallow-water approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation written in a spherical, rotating coordinate system produces, at leading order in a suitable limiting process, a general linear theory for wind-induced ocean currents which goes...
关键词:Navier—Stokes方程;坐标变换;笛卡尔坐标;球面坐标 中图分类号:V211,TJ001 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005—9830(20o5)04—0437—04 FoundationofNavier-StokesEquationsinSphericalCoordinates SystemBasedonCoordinateTrans formation ZHUYu.chuan,MADa.wei,LEGui.gao,XUChang.jiang'2 (1.SchoolofMechanicalEngineel...
stokesnavierequationmadrasiitmomentum IIT-Madras,MomentumTransfer:July2005-Dec2005 Navier-StokesEquation NewtonianFluid ConstantDensity,Viscosity Cartesian,Cylindrical,sphericalcoordinates IIT-Madras,MomentumTransfer:July2005-Dec2005 CartesianCoordinates gVP Dt DV 2 x xxxx z x y x x x g z V y V x V ...
These equations are commonly used in 3 coordinates systems: Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical. While the Cartesian equations seem to follow directly from the vector equation above, the vector form of the Navier–Stokes equation involves some tensor calculus which means that writing it in other ...
Rotating SpheresSteady FlowBoundary Layer FlowEquations Of MotionIncompressible FlowNavier-Stokes EquationNonlinear EquationsThe problem of determining the steady ... S.,C.,R.,... - 《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》 被引量: 301发表: 1980年 Viscous incompressible flow between concentric rotating spheres....
Stokes Equationsina3-—DimensionalSphericallmenSlonerlcal CoordinateSystem HUANGChunmingYIFanZHANGShaodong (SchoolofElectronicInfor~nation,WuhanUniversity,Wuhan430079) AbstractAimingatnumericallystudyingtheglobalnonlinearpropagationofatmospherictides,a newfu11vnonlinearnumericalmodelinathreedimensionalsphericalcoordinates...
The incompressible Euler or Navier–Stokes (Euler/NS) equations in d space dimensions can be written as (1.1)∂u∂t=−L(u•∂u)+νΔu+f, where: u=u(x,t) is the divergence free velocity field; x=(xs)s=1,…,d are the space coordinates (yielding the derivatives ≔∂s...
Vector Transform of Spherical Coordinate Form of Navier-Stokes Equation LIN Xin,DOU Zhong-qiang, CHEN Yong-guang (Col legeof Mathemati csand Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, Chi na) Abstract:It isvery complex tofigurethespherical coordinateformof Navier-Stokesequation in fluid mechanic...