纳维-斯托克斯方程(Navier-Stokes equation,简称N-S方程)是流体力学中描述流体运动的基本方程,其形象理...
NS 和 Euler 均有可压缩和不可压缩的形式。牛顿流体粘性切应力与应变成线性正比,其张量为柯西张量。在...
Navier-Stokes equation n. 纳维-斯托克斯方程;运动方程
^Schöwe, A., 2014. Global strong solution for large data to the hyperbolic Navier-Stokes equation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.7797. ^Schöwe, A., 2012. A quasilinear delayed hyperbolic Navier-Stokes system: global solution, asymptotics and relaxation limit. Methods and Applications of Analysis...
Navier-Stokes方程数值求解的边界条件处理 是洪鹏不是洪盆 1. 控制方程(Governing equations) 连续性方程(Continuity equation) ∂ρ∂t+∇⋅(ρu→)=0 动量守恒方程(Navier-Stokes equations)∂(ρu→)∂t+∇⋅(ρu→u→)=−∇p+μ∇⋅[∇u→+(∇u→)T] ...
9, 15 (2024).[7] J. Nikuradse, Laws of flow in rough pipes, available in: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark%3A/67531/metadc63009/m2/1/high_res_d/19930093938.pdf 本文经授权转载自微信公众号“数学往事”,文章译自《200 years of the Navier–Stokes equation》 。#深度好文计划# ...
On the other hand, the continuity equation ensures that mass is conserved within the fluid as it flows. 方程组包含动量方程和连续性方程。动量方程表达了动量守恒的原理,考虑了压力梯度、粘性应力和外部力对流体的影响。而连续性方程则确保流体在流动过程中质量守恒。 The solutions to the Navier-Stokes ...
The Navier-Stokes equation, in modern notation, is ,where u is the fluid velocityvector,Pis the fluid pressure, ρ is the fluid density, υ is the kinematic viscosity, and ∇2is theLaplacian operator (seeLaplace’s equation). In 2000, whether smooth, reasonable solutions to the Navier-Sto...
本文经授权转载自微信公众号“数学往事”,文章译自《200 years of the Navier–Stokes equation》 。 特别提示 1. 进入『返朴』微信公众号底部菜单“精品专栏“,可查阅不同主题系列科普文章。 2. 『返朴』提供按月检索文章功能。关注公众号,回复四位数组成的年份+月份,如“1903”,可获取2019年3月的文章索引,以...