Navien's NPE-A2 condensing tankless water heaters include a patented built-in buffer tank, recirculating pump & fine-tuned controls for comfort & convenience.
can be cascaded and common vented with up to 15 of our NPE tankless water heaters. NCB-H Models NCB-190/060H Max HTG Input: 60,000 BTU/h Max DHW Input: 160,000 BTU/h Indoor wall-hung Residential View model NCB-190/060H NCB-190/080H ...
Navien...the proven leader in condensing tankless, makes it even easier to install and set up with the new NPE-S2 series A 2" PVC up to 75 feet and 1/2" gas up to 24 feet B High efficiency up to 0.96 UEF and up to 15:1 TDR C Durable dual stainless steel heat exchangers D ...