Navien's NPE-A2 condensing tankless water heaters include a patented built-in buffer tank, recirculating pump & fine-tuned controls for comfort & convenience.
$465NPE-240A-NG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678382Yes 0.970.96 5.6176 $192NPE-240A-LPG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678382Yes 0.970.96 5.6193 $465NPE-150S-NG Yes Yes Yes Yes 8235610Yes 0.970.96 3.2115 $125NPE-150S-LPG Yes Yes Yes Yes 8235610Yes 0.970.96 3.2126 $304NPE-180S-...
NPE-240A2 Energy Guide Label Specs/Submittals English NaviLink Lite Wi-Fi Control Spec Sheet NaviLink Wi-Fi Control Spec Sheet NPE-2 Specification Sheet CSI 3-Part Formatted Specifications English Navien-NPE-Series-CSI 3-Part Formatted Specifications Drawings English NPE-2 with External Recirculat...
Navien's water heaters, boilers, hydro-furnaces & water treatment solutions provide innovative high-efficiency technology for residential & commercial projects.
NPE‑A2 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions Can I use ½” gas pipe with the NPE-2 condensing gas tankless water heater? Does the NPE-2 condensing tankless gas water heater have to be the first appliance off the gas meter? What type of venting can I use for the NPE-2 condensing tankless...
can be cascaded and common vented with up to 15 of our NPE tankless water heaters. NCB-H Models NCB-190/060H Max HTG Input: 60,000 BTU/h Max DHW Input: 160,000 BTU/h Indoor wall-hung Residential View model NCB-190/060H NCB-190/080H ...
Field convertible gas system (NG/LP) up to 10,100 ft. Capable of cascading up to 15 NPE water heaters Capable of common venting up to 7 NPE water heaters Built-in 3 zone pumps and 3 zone valves powered connections 2” venting up to 65' and 3” venting up to 150' Where to ...