这就是我现在所拥有的:.navbar { background-color: #0a0a0a; color: white; height: 9%; } .navbar .navbar-brand > .navbar-item, .navbar .navbar-brand .navbar-link { color: white; font-family: 'Wavehaus'; } 我在Codepen 上有一个链接,以便可以将其可视化:https://codepen.io/anon/...
There is no HTML in your codepen. We need a demo that actuallyshowsthe issue. December 15, 2017 at 2:09 pm#263951 Laszlo Participant https://codepen.io/Laszlo226/pen/zpvorO Sorry your right, please check thanks December 15, 2017 at 2:22 pm#263952 bclovis Participant Kill the flo...
My idea is to start with a header of 250px height with the nav-brand above the nav menu, both nav-brand and navbar-nav centered. When the user start scrolling, the header is shrunken to the default bootstrap header as it is in it's current form in this codepen. Using Bootstrap 4...
https://codepen.io/taniarascia/pen/dYvvYv/ The only down side to this example is it uses jQuery rather than vanilla javascript but you can see it uses far less html mark-up than Bootstrap and dont be fooled by the css, although it looks a lot, Bootstrap in the backgro...
我在下面整理了一个代码片段,它看起来与您在问题中描述的内容类似。您也可以在 Codepen 上查看示例。 Show code snippet 警告 这种行为可能不是您想要的。如果是这样,那么您可能不得不求助于使用 JS 来解决这个问题。当然还有其他不使用 JS 显示和隐藏内容的示例,但如果不使用 JS,可能很难实现您想要的效果。
<html data-bs-theme="dark"> can no longer affect the dropdown on which you put 'data-bs-theme="light"' attribute. I am not sure if codepen examples can attach HTML attribute to <html> tag, so it is hard to show that. Original approach with navbar-dark leaves dropdown "alone", ...
但是,当我将它应用到我自己的网页时,导航栏仍然可以滚动。您可以在此处查看页面: http://codepen.io/BenWS/pen/gmLEVw点击预览 原文由 BenWS 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 htmlcssbootstrapbootstrap-4 有用关注收藏 回复 阅读326 2 个回答 ...
The template uses the HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4 framework. As it is a responsive design, you can use this navbar code on your website or application without any issue. Info / Download Demo Minimal Bootstrap Navbar This Minimal Bootstrap Navbar example will help you make a colorful ...
Prerequisites I have searched for duplicate or closed issues I have validated any HTML to avoid common problems I have read the contributing guidelines Describe the issue I think there is an incompatibility between fixed-top navigation b...
Here is the final preview of the Bootstrap dropdown menu on hover with JavaScript. Full code available at Codepen. Fork it and customize it to your needs.I have shown you both ways to display the Bootstrap dropdown menu on hover. Both are almost the same. Just 1 difference, JavaScript...