Command Master Chief (SS/SW) Mike Bruner and Command Master Chief (SW/AW) Raymond James became the first enlisted graduates of the prestigious Naval War College, 16 November, in a ceremony a...
11.09.1939 enlisted RNVR 23.10.1939 - (02.)1941 Commanding Officer, HMS Chico (echo sounding yacht) 29.03.1941 - (10.)1941 HMS Cheshire (armed merchant cruiser) 14.11.1941 - (10.)1942 HMS Cilicia (armed merchant cruiser) 20.10.1942 - (12.)1942 HMS Pyramus (RN base, Kirkwall) 28.12....
As a commissioned officer, I will combine my knowledge from the enlisted and officer communities to help shape and develop Sailors and Marines requisite to executing our mission requirements. This opportunity will allow me to become a more tactically-minded war fighter and the authority to make ...
Commander Cook did not win the coveted award through official channels. His name was put in the running for the honor by the officers and enlisted men of his squadron without his knowledge. A letter they sent to the Navy League read in part: "You can select a more famous candidate for y...
Even the ability to discuss NCO-related issues for the PLA is difficult. In June 2008, the Pacific Command’s senior enlisted leader led a delegation of senior command NCOs to China. The reciprocal visit during October 2008 was led by Maj. Gen. Zhong Zhimin, chief of military affairs at ...
Williams enlisted in the military during World War II and studied engineering at the US Naval Academy. Williams se alistó en el ejército durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y estudió ingeniería en la Academia Naval de los Estados Unidos. ParaCrawl Corpus Brigadier General Rock was commissione...
Well, we did get together for a subsequent lunch which was incredibly meaningful for all of us there. As background, Terry after graduating from West Linn HS, enlisted in the Army but had the dream of attending one of the military academies. He ended up receiving appointments fromCongressman...
After all, we were not just some high school dropout who enlisted in the service. We were specifically selected; highly educated individuals who had proven to be special in various fields of endeavor. Seriously, you don’t pass astrophysics courses at the top of your class, be a...
I have had the opportunity of watching G.William in action, and he is one of the kind of officers that enlisted submariners hope they always serve under, and that submarine junior officers hope they will someday be like. Above all, he was one who clearly was having fun in his ...
Education: Eltham College in Grove Park, London (1935-1941); Imperial College, London (PhD 1955 in geology; MSc 1950). MSc (Geol.), DIC (1951), FGS. served, The Royal West Kent Regiment - Home Guard 1942 enlisted, RNVR (service at destroyers [HMS Petard (capturing Enigma)]) 04.10.19...